We're Here To Party

Start from the beginning

“Are…you sure…you…want…to do…this?” Landon asked between kisses from my neck to my collarbone. 

“Yeah, I’m sure,” I answered breathlessly. I wanted this. More than anything, I wanted this. I was sure of it. 

“Okay,”  came his reply, and he quickly proceeded to pull my dress up and over my head. Tossing it on the floor next to his bed, he shed his clothes and tossed them down on the floor to join my dress. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long,” he said, his breath coming in hitches. 

But something wasn’t right. Here I was, underneath the most popular guy in the school, his entire body lusting for mine, and something wasn’t clicking. Clad in only my bra and underwear, a sharp shiver coursed through my body.

“Mmm, don’t worry, babe… I’ll warm you up,” Landon said huskily as he began to pull my underwear down. Ignoring the knot forming in my stomach, I fought to enjoy the moment. To relish in it. 

“Ahh, Lan…don…” I moaned. His mumbled reply came as his lips moved from my right hip, across my lower abdomen, and over to my left hip. “Landon,” I repeated, sitting up on my elbows. He didn’t seem to have heard me. “Landon, stop,” I said a little louder. He continued on. He had to have heard me that time.

“This is going to be incredible, babe,” Landon drawled, his hands grasping my sides tightly. 

“Landon, stop. Quit,” I said, scooting myself backwards towards the head of the bed. My sudden movement caught his attention, but not how I had hoped.

“That anxious, baby?” he grinned. 

“Uh, not quite,” I responded scooting out from underneath of him as quickly as possible. 

“Huh?” A look of utter confusion clouded his remarkable features. 

“Lan.. I’m sorry. I thought I was ready. But I can’t…I just…can’t…” I stammered, unable to look him in the eye.

“Jenna! Are you serious right now? I thought you agreed? What the hell is wrong with you?!” Landon’s temper was flaring, and when he became mad, it was never a good idea to be in the line of fire.

“Landon, I’m sorry… I know I said I was ready, but…” I faltered for a matter of seconds, seeing the rage pour over his face. “Landon, just not right now. I mean, not tonight.” Scooting to the edge of the bed, I reached down for my dress and hurried to pull it over my head. Pushing my arms through, I pulled my hair free from the back of the dress. Landon was speaking. If he had been a cartoon character, smoke would be rolling out of his ears by now, I was certain.

“Get. Off. My. Bed,” he hissed, enunciating each word specifically and deliberately. 

“Landon…” I protested, fear beginning to boil at the bottom of my insides. I was backing away from the bed, and him. 

“Don’t ’Landon’ me,” he spat, cornering me against his bedroom door. I felt around blindly for the handle, never taking my eyes off of him. I had never in my life seen him this angry. 

“Landon…” I tried again, just as I found the door handle. Turning it quickly towards me, and jerking it open just far enough for me to fit through, I bolted out of the room and into the hallway. Much to my surprise, there were already a house full of party goers. Landon’s party was in full swing. How had I not heard anyone, or any music playing? His room must be sound proof or something, I assumed.

“Don’t run away from me!” Landon growled, grabbing my arm at the elbow just as I was about halfway down the stairs. As he spun me around, I noticed several people near us watching.

“Landon..” I protested, glancing wildly around at the countless students that flooded the top and bottom floor, and the stairs we were currently on. “Let’s not do this, not right now, not here,” I pleaded, begged. 

“No, we’re doing this, Jenna. Right. Now,” he snarled, angrier than ever. I was still unclear as to where all of this sudden rage had appeared from. All because I thought that I had been ready to have sex with him, but as it turns out, I really wasn’t? I was so confused, and hurt. 

“Hey, bro…” I dared a glance over to my right as Sandler’s familiar voice came up the stairs. 

“Not now, Sandler!” Landon barked, and the glimpse I got of Sandler’s face before Landon jerked my chin in his direction was that of defeat. No one stood up against the Almighty Landon Craig. No one. 

Turning his full attention back to me, Landon began walking down the stairs with my chin still pinched between his thumb and forefinger. Forced to walk backwards down the stairs, I said a silent prayer that I didn’t trip over something (or someone) and go tumbling backwards all the way to the bottom, resulting in a broken neck.

“Lan--” I began again, but was cut off once more.

“We. Are. Done!” he shouted, spit spattering my face. “Do you hear me, Jenna? Done! We’re finished!” he was all but screaming now. A crowd had gathered at the bottom of the stairs, and we had everyone’s attention. 

“Landon…” I pleaded, my eyes wild. This was unreal. 

“We’re done, Jenna! And so. Are. You,” he snatched his hand from my chin, pushing my head up as he did. The tears that had been stinging my eyes the entire way down the stairs began to overflow. Burying my head in my hands, I ran off towards the door that we had come through not all that long ago. 

His words rang in my ears as I ran down the driveway, not sure of where I was headed: “We’re done, Jenna! And so. Are. You!”

 *****Hey, thanks again for reading! A picture of Jenna over there to the right --->>>

Hope your'e enjoying the story, and don't forget to comment and let me know what ya think!*******

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