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"We need to kick them out of this family" is the first thing my aunty said after I asked them what is our plan for the future of this clan.

Of course, she'll say that. She just killed Uncle Korn, sure she won't want any of his kin to stay as a member of this clan, moreover leading the main family. But for me, my main concern is not about this clan, my one and only concern is Pete. He is the weakest one in this situation. Khun, Kinn and Kim at least still have their mother's inheritance that pins them to this whole clan, but Pete has nothing. My aunty can kick him out of this clan and from our life, so easily, just because he is Uncle Korn's biological nephew. And I can't never let that happen.

I look at Porsche and Porchay, they sure also don't want their boyfriends to be kicked out of this clan but I can clearly see they don't have enough reason to defend their boyfriends. I guess I have to give them one.

"We can't do that" I said.

"Why? They are a traitor's sons. We have enough reason to kick them out" said my aunty, full of hatred.

"But, they are also their Aunty Prim's sons" I said "And almost 30% of our clan's assets are coming from Aunty Prim's wealth. This house for example, was built as a gift for Tankhun's birth, it's still under his name. Not to mention many of our other buildings, offices, and warehouses, many are given to them and still under their name until today"

My aunty didn't answer me, she also realized that if we kicked them out we would also lose a lot of our assets.

"Vegas is right, mom" Porsche finally said something "We doesn't need to kick them out of this clan, we can find another solution"

Aunty Nampheung turned to his son with an angry face "You!" then she turned to Porchay, then to me "All three of you! among all women and men in this world why did you three have to fall in love with the enemy's offspring"

Ooops... yeah, we haven't talked about that yet. This is news for Aunty Nampheung, and for her it sure is shocking and hard to believe.

"We can't ever really have control over who we are falling to, right, Nong?" said my mama "They don't know the truth when they were fall in love, and if they don't want to be separated from their respective boyfriends after this, we can't force them either"

Thanks mama! no one can say it better than you!

"Mom, please don't separate me from P'Kim" said Porchay with a begging face.

"I mean, how did this happen? how did you end up falling for them?" she asks in disbelief.

"Maybe it's destiny, maybe it's Karma like Pete said" said Porsche "But it's true that we can't control who we fall in love with, they just happen to be Uncle Korn's sons and nephew. And we can't undo our feeling either, mom, so whatever we decided about the future of our clan, it can't be involving us separate with our boyfriends"

"Agree" said me and Porchay at the same time.

"I'm not dating any of them but I also agree" said Macau "I hate P'Kinn and P'Kim, I'm not gonna lie, but I love P'Pete, I don't care if he's Uncle Korn's biological nephew ot not, but he's been dedicating his life for Hia and me these past few months. He stays with us when we lose so many things and takes care of us when we feel like we are lost. We won't be here if it's not for him, so I won't ever agree if decided to kick them out"

I love you, my dead brother! I will kiss a thank you to you later.

Aunty Namphueng looked at us in disappointment and I totally understood her. She didn't spend years and years being trapped in that room only to come out and find out her sons and nephew fall in love with her biggest enemy's next to kin. But I'm sure she can also understand us.

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