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Pete is driving as fast as he can on our way to Chay's dorm. His bodyguard training is not disappointing, he drives through the road like a pro racer in a race.  I called Chay to make sure he's already at his dorm.

"Hello, P'Kim?" He picked up my call in 2 rings.

I felt so relieved hearing his voice "Chay, where are you now?"

"At the dorm, I'm just about to go look for some dinner"

"Is Macau with you?"

"Yes, we are going to look for dinner together" 

I take a breath and tried to sounds as calm as possible when I said my next like "Chay, listen to me very carefully, ok"

"What's wrong, P'Kim?" He sounded worried when he heard my tone.

"You and Macau need to stay inside your dorm, lock your room and don't open it to anyone except us" I said everything very slowly to make sure he understand me "I'm with Pete now, we are on our way to pick up you and Macau"

"What? you with P'Pete? why? what happened?" he asked, still in a worried tone.

"Is that P'Kim calling?" I heard Macau's voice near him.

"Yeah, he said he and P'Pete are on their way to pick us up" Chay said to Macau.

"What? P'Pete and P'Kim? why?" ask Macau confused.

"P'Kim? what actually happened?" ask Chay again.

"We are going to take you two to Porsche and Vegas, they are waiting for you two" It's really not easy to explain this on the phone "I'll explain everything later, wait inside your dorm, don't go anywhere, lock the door and don't open it for anyone except us, can you do it, Chay?"

"Ok, P'Kim" answered Chay.

"We'll arrive in a few minutes, wait for us"


I come back to my office from my papa's room and listen to the listening device again. They are still in the kitchen? It's weird, it's almost half an hour and they are still there? I laugh at myself when I finally realize they've tricked me. They must have found out that I put a listening device on Porsche's jacket. 

Now, where are they? They were talking about going to a cottage that Vegas bought for Pete, where is this cottage? He said he didn't buy it in his own name, so it must be in Pete's name, right? I called one of my employees and asked him to look for the newly bought property in Pete's name. I'm sure we can find it in seconds. 

What else did they talk about? I tried to remember everything they talked about. Macau! Vegas said he wants Macau to meet their mother. They must be going to pick up Macau now. Or if I can get Macau and Chay here, Vegas and Porsche will come here by themself. 

No one wants to tell me a thing, I'll just get everyone here to talk to me then.


The dorm was pretty quiet when we arrived there. It must be because tomorrow is the weekend and most of the students are going home for the weekend. That's why most of the rooms here are empty now. We hurriedly ran upstairs to Porchay and Macau's room. 

Kim knocked on the door twice, "Chay?"

"P'Kim? Is that you?" Chay's voice answered from inside the room.

"It's me, open the door" Kim said.

Chay opened the door after Kim said that. The boy looked so confused when he saw us standing there with a worried face. 

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