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I always hate everyone from the main family, mostly because they are annoying, and given too many powers and authorities even though they are actually not as capable as us, the minor family. Just because they are the family of the first born they get all the attention and opportunities, making our lives miserable because we need to work extra hard just to get the same opportunity as they are.

But for Kim, I have another reason for hating him. Kim is very different from his older brothers. In my observation, since we were kids, he is better in everything compared to his older brothers, especially Kinn. He is a more capable fighter and shooter than Kinn. And he has a sharper mind and deeper thinking than Kinn. That much capability is actually the thing that makes me hate him. Even my uncle noticed that and always said he is a more suitable heir for the main family. 

On the other hand, even though he is a very capable person, he chose to step away from the family business and distance himself from our worlds. For that I actually kinda like him. It is easier dealing with an obedient son like Kinn than Kim, the one I know for sure is more capable than Kinn in everything.

And today, I think I like him even more. Finally, someone from the main family with an actual working brain! Not only that he's not an annoyingly obedient son like Kinn, but he actually has the same suspicion toward his own papa like me. Even more, his suspicion already started even before his papa killed my papa and revealed the facts about Porsche and his family.

I was honestly stunned with all of his explanations about his investigation. How he's been trying to dig deeper about our aunt's origin until he finally got his hands on her birth certificate.

When he finished his explanation, one question lingering in my mind

“Why did you do all of this?” I asked him “I mean, you are his son, what you gained from doing all of this?”

He didn’t answer me right away and seems thinking for a moment “I’m not only his son, I’m also my mama’s son”

“What does that even mean?” I totally didn’t understand what he’s trying to say.

“Do you remember my mama?” he asked me.

“Aunty Prim? briefly” that actually a lie. I remember Aunty Prim clearly. She was always so kind to me and my mama, even though she was the lady of the main family. But I also remember something else about her “She was a very sickly person, can’t even stand or walk without staggering and always in and out of hospital”

“My mama wasn’t always that sick” he said sounds offended “She only got that weak after she gave birth to me. Before that she was a fierce woman who helped the family business a lot."

"Yeah, I know about that" I told him "That’s why our grandparents hate you so much. Their favorite daughter in-law got crippled because she insisted on giving birth to you, the unnecessary third son, while she already got 2 perfectly healthy sons”.

Pete gave me the 'is it necessary to say that?' look

So I said "That's what my papa said, but believe me, if our grandparents knows how Tankhun turn out to be, they'll be very glad that they still got you"

"Yeah, it's more like I'm glad they didn't see how YOU turn out to be" he chose to mock me instead.

"What is Khun Prim connection to your decision to investigate Khun Korn?" Pete cut me before I could say my reply.

Kim sighs loudly then starts talking again "Ever since I can remember my mom always has this diary that she wrote, sometimes everyday, sometimes once a week, sometimes one a month, she never wrote anything long on it, just simple sentences. I often asked her what she wrote, but she always answered that I can only read it when I grow older."

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