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I just told Pete my whole plan and as I can guess he's not impressed at all. 

"You can't possibly think that I'll just stand still when I watch you purposely getting shot, right?" He asked in an angry tone.

"I know, but this is the easiest plan I can come out with" I said in soft tone "I still have the respect and trust from the clients and the branch leaders, we have to use it smartly"

"Make yourself get shot is not smart, Vegas" Pete said

I sigh "It will be ok, Nop is a sharpshooter, he won't miss"

"That's what I'm afraid of, what if he doesn’t miss?"

"Pete…" I said in a begging voice "I promise I will be ok"

"You can't promise me anything when you're not even the one who'll hold the gun, Vegas" his voice sounded upset but afraid at the same time.

"Then what should I do?" I ask, seeing him like this makes me sad too "what should I do to make you feel I will be ok?"

He didn’t answer for a few seconds. It looks like the gear inside his brain is turning really hard, then suddenly he lift his head and said with a determined face "Let me do it, Instead of Nop, let me be the shooter"

"What?! No?!" I said immediately 

"Then I will never let you do this plan"

"But, Pete…" I really don't know what to say to him, I never expect he will say this idea.

"I can only sure you will be ok if I, myself is the one who do the shooting" he said confidently 

"But… it will burden you, you… you will feel guilty and you will cry… it will hurt you" I can't even form a complete sentence to describe my reasons. My craziness must be infecting Pete too.

"It will hurt me more if I just deliberately let another person to do this" he said still with the same determination "If you really want to do this plan, let me do this, only with this I can feel you will be safe"



This is totally a crazy bad idea, why did I agree to do this, anyway? Oh, wait! This is my own idea, and I am volunteering to do this. I've been anxious since last night that I can't sleep at all. Vegas hugged me all night and kept telling me that everything will be ok but I know he was also as anxious as I am.

I've practiced a lot for a week. I'm never a sharpshooter but I'm not a bad shooter either. The problem is all my life I never shoot to miss. Now for the first time I need to miss or I'll kill my own stupid crazy boyfriend.

I must have looked really anxious while we all watched Vegas in the next door room because Porsche kept looking at me with a worried face. I excuse myself to go to the restroom to get away from them.

This whole area of the restaurant has been booked by us so no one dares to be near here. I managed to get into the room next to Vegas’s room without anyone seeing me. I pulled out my gun, placed the silencer and put on the  glasses.

And… here I am, I stand right behind my own lover holding a gun and wearing a stupid see thru glasses ready to shot him. The cue is when Vegas nudges his glass. I need to be very precise with the timing or I'll mess up the whole thing and kill him. Easy right? NOT AT ALL!

My hand literally trembled and I was about to abort the mission. But I know I need to do this, Vegas’s plan depended on me and I have to do this without any mistakes. I myself want to do this and I have to do this. I took a deep breath and positioned myself. I can do this! When Vegas gave me the cue, I just took the shot. I saw him fall from his chair and scream in pain. OH GOD! I just shot him! I really really shot him!

VegasPete The Series (Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora