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After we came back from Porchay's dorm, I brought him straight to his room. Today, I just realized I've been a very bad brother for the last few months. I didn’t pay much attention to my little brother and thought his behavior changed because of him trying to adapt with our new situation. I never even spend time talking heart to heart with him again. All these changes in our life really overwhelm me, and without realizing it I've been neglecting my own brother.

I gave Chay a chance to take a bath and change his clothes before I sat him in front of me and started having a conversation with him. He was sitting on his bed with his feet dangling, and didn't reach the floor, while I dragged a chair and sat in front of him.

"So, tell me all about Kim, how do you know him? Where did you two meet? And when did you…" I want to ask more about his sexual experience but I didn’t have a heart to ask it "just tell me about that 2 things first"

"Well, P'Kim is my favorite musician, I've been idolize him for some time, he goes by the name Wik"

"I just remember, I saw his face before, all over your bedroom’s wall like a worship altar or something"

"Yep, that's him" Chay's face turns pink from embarrassment when I say that.

"Then how did you two meet?" I ask again

"I come to his campus's open house and meet him there. I asked him to be my guitar tutor and he agreed. He taught me how to play guitar and create songs on my own. He even give me that guitar"

He pointed a guitar inside its case at the corner of his room. I didn't know much about guitar but I always felt that guitar was different from the one I bought for him but I thought Chay bought it himself with the money I sent to him. I never thought that guitar had its own story. Just how much of Chay's life that I actually missed?

"And then?" I asked him to continue his story.

"And then, I told him that I like him. He is always so kind to me, he inspires me alot and accompanies me when I'm alone. And he accept my feeling too"

"So you two started dating?"

"Yes, but at that time I didn’t know he's the youngest son of the main family. Did you know that he also helped to save me when I got kidnapped?"

I was thinking for a second then remember, I did see him at the warehouse that day, coming with Big to save Chay and me. At that time, I thought he was just another bodyguard who really hated wearing the uniform suit. 

"I do remember him being at the warehouse that day" I told Chay.

"He even tried to stop the kidnapper but there were too many of them, he got tased and they ended up successfully taking me" Chay told me enthusiastically.

"Wait…" I narrowed my eyes and looked at my brother in the eyes "You said they kidnapped you from our home, so how did Kim happen to be there and try to stop them?"

Chay bite his own lips. It was always his habit every time he realized he did something wrong "Well…"

"Well?" I waited for him to say his defense but words didn’t come from his mouth so I asked "Did he spend the night at our home?"

I was afraid to hear the answer even though I was already sure what his answer would be.

"Yes…" he scaredly glanced at me when he said that.

I really tried to hold my anger. Who are you? What did you do to my sweet innocent brother?

"But we really just sleep, we didn't do anything" he didn’t even look at me when he said that.

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