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I don’t understand what I just heard. I secretly put a listening device inside Porsche’s suit this morning. Thinking I’ll hear Vegas tried to flirt with him or just them complaining about work. I never thought I'd heard something like this. Since I started listening to them this morning I totally don’t understand their conversation. At first they sound like they are talking about normal work, but in the middle of the day someone calls them. From the voice I recognized it was Pete and Kim, which made me even more confused, since when Pete and Kim hang out together? 

I didn’t constantly follow their conversation because I needed to work too, but from what I heard they were talking about searching for someone who turned out to be hiding inside Kim’s Apartment Building. At some point in the afternoon, Vegas and Porsche go out to meet Pete and Kim, which sounds like a pretty weird combination for me. Because Porsche, as far as I know, still hates Kim to the deepest bottom of  his heart for dating Porchay without his knowledge, and Kim hates Vegas as much as I do. So why are all of them together now?

I was still pretty confused with this newly found hang out group, when I heard this voice. I’m pretty sure it’s been years since the last time I heard this voice. She was crying and begging my papa the last time I heard her voice. Vegas’s mama, Aunty In, who has been gone for so long that I almost completely forgot about her. All these time I always have this concept that Vegas is a devil that dropped directly from hell to this earth with one single purpose which is to annoy me. I don’t even remember that he actually got a mother who gave birth to him.

She was talking to Porsche about his mom, then to Pete, then to Kim and Vegas. Their conversation makes it  sounds like all 4 of them have already been in this together for a long time. Behind my back, without my knowledge. I was feeling kinda hurt. But then Aunty In said something that doesn’t make any sense at all. She said my papa wasn’t a real Theerapanyakul? She said my papa was adopted? What kind of joke is this? Do I still need to listen to this conversation or should I just ask my papa directly now?


What she said doesn’t make any sense at all. Uncle Korn was adopted? How is that even possible? the one who has become the leader of the Theerapanyakul clan main family wasn’t even a flesh blood Theerapanyakul?

My mama clearly noticed that what she said was completely absurd and impossible, so she asked us all to sit down and give her a chance to explain everything from the very beginning. We did just that, we all sat down in her living room and listened to her story.

“It all starts from your grandfather, who just raises to become one of the most influential mafia in the country. He married the right woman, your grandmother who comes from a wealthy  family. She and her family can help him expand his own business and influence. He soon realizes he has to do the same to all of his children. At that time his oldest son was already 7 years old, P’Gun was only 2 and Nong Nampheung was still inside her mother's tummy…”

“Then he heard about this wealthy landlord, who has lands and buildings all over the country. The landlord was already in his late 50 and already married 3 times but only has one daughter as his heir. That daughter was at the same age as his oldest son and he sees this a perfect matchmaking for both families. The landlord also thinks the same, but he loves his daughter so much and wants the best for her. Your grandfather wasn’t the only one who gave the landlord a marriage proposal, many other parents from wealthy and influential families also gave him a marriage proposal for his daughter and their sons. Your grandfather realizes he has to secure the marriage and get the children engaged as soon as possible. A date was set for both children to meet. Everything was ready and prepared perfectly, but then a tragedy happened…"

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