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When I woke up, I still could feel my body a bit feverish. The bed beside me was empty, I must have been just dreaming when I talked to Pete last night.

I carefully got up from the bed and opened the curtain. The sun shone so bright it almost blinded my eyes. It must be almost mid day. I tried to find my phone to check the time but I couldn't find it anywhere.

I still felt dizzy from the fever so I walked very slowly to get out of my room. I could hear voices from the kitchen, I thought it was just Nop preparing some meal for me, but when I reached the kitchen, I saw Pete, wearing an apron, stirring something on a pan.

He noticed me the moment I entered the kitchen. 

"You already wake up" he smiled at me when he said that.

"So I wasn't dreaming" I said as I walked to sit on the counter.

"You also said similar thing last night" Pete said.

He touched my forehead to check my fever, his hand felt so cold on my feverish head.

“You still have a fever,” he said with a worried tone.

“I know, I kinda feel that” I put my head on the counter table because it was too dizzy for me to keep my head straight.

“Then go back to sleep in the room” Pete said, trying to get me up by pulling my hand.

I actually want to be here and watch Pete doing whatever he’s doing. But I don’t have enough energy to be stubborn so I just follow Pete back to my room.

I’m back lying on my bed and Pete pulled the blanket to cover my body. 

“What are you doing in the kitchen anyway?” I ask him when he’s about to go back to the kitchen.

“Making some porridge for you” he said.

“I don’t know you can cook” I’m worried here, what if his porridge tastes terrible? I won’t have the heart to tell him the truth but my health also won’t let me eat any terrible food.

“You’ll find out when you taste my cooking” he said with a big grin on his face then ran back to the kitchen.

Ah, I forgot to ask Pete if he saw my phone. I tried to look for it under my pillow, under my blanket, and around the table beside my bed in case it fell off there, but nothing, I couldn't find it anywhere.

Pete came back to my room about 5 minutes later with a big bowl of porridge in his hand. He put the porridge in front of me. The look and the smell of the porridge didn’t seem too bad.

“Taste it” he said still with a big grin on his face.

I scoop a spoonful and blow it a bit then put it in my mouth. I don’t know why I was so sure it would taste bad but it turned out to taste really good. Even better than a porridge from a five star hotel that I ever tasted.

“Please don't look so surprised that it tastes good, I almost feel offended by your looks” said Pete with a pouty mouth.

“I never knew you can cook” I said, scooping another mouthful happily.

“We have cooks and maids at home so I never had a chance to cook anything for you”

“Can you cook anything else?” 

“Mostly southern food, but I also can cook simple dishes like this” he said “Ah, I found ingredients to make southern foods in the fridge, but it has already gone bad, looks like it has been there for months, did someone else come here beside us?”

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