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I almost can't catch up with what just happened. Me, Pete, Kinn with Arm and a few bodyguards were sitting together in this tiny room watching this client clearly trying to flirt with Vegas. Poor Pete, he couldn't stand it anymore and chose to go out using the toilet break as a reason. Then a few minutes later, suddenly Vegas falls from his chair.

The client was screaming frantically, so we all immediately ran to the room next door and found Vegas on the floor, holding his bleeding right shoulder in pain. The bullet hole at the paper wall behind him told us he'd been shot.

"Call the ambulance!!!" Screams the client in panic

Pete appeared behind me quite late and had no clue about what just happened. He was visibly shocked and frozen the moment he saw Vegas' condition. Kinn and the other bodyguards forcefully drag the frantic client out from the room so we can have room to help Vegas.

"It's ok, I'm ok" Vegas said as Pete sit beside him and hold his hand

Arm and I tried to put pressure on his wound so he won't keep losing blood

"Where is the ambulance!?" Pete screams as the ambulance is still not coming yet. His face completely turned white in shock.

About 10 minutes later, the ambulance finally came. Vegas was almost losing his consciousness completely and only had enough energy to keep holding on to Pete's hand.

When the ambulance arrived at the hospital he was brought directly to the surgery room and we waited outside anxiously. Pete's whole body was shaking and cold. He didn't cry but his face was still in shock and completely pale. I stayed beside him and tried to calm him down but with my hands still covered in Vegas's blood it didn't help much.

I don't know how long we waited when finally they brought him out from the surgery room. The doctor said he wasn't in any danger anymore, and that the bullet missed by a few centimeters from his vital organ. We all breathe in relief. The doctor said he was still under anesthesia and would wake up in an hour.

And then... we are back here again. In the room that became his home for more than 2 months. I never knew I'd come back here so fast.

Pete's condition has become much better too. His face has started to have color again and his body is no longer shaking. He sat next to the sleeping Vegas, still holding his hand.

Kinn came in a few minutes later and told us the client is safe and already back home.

"Did anyone catch whoever did it?" I asked

"Arm is checking all of the CCTV now, we knows where the bullet coming from and in no time we'll find out who did this" said Kinn confidently

"It's ok, Pete, we'll catch whoever did this" I assure Pete but he only answer me with a forced smile

"Just go home and wash yourself, Porsche, you are covered in blood" he said looking at my hand and clothes which are full of Vegas's blood.

"Pete is right, Porsche, let's go home and get yourself cleaned up" said Kinn, looking at me with a worried expression. I guess even though he knows it's not my blood seeing me covered in blood like this still bothering him.

"Ok, I'll go home now, but I'll come back again later"

Kinn held my hand as we walked out of the room. When I step outside, I can faintly hear Pete sobbing and crying.


Party is really not for me, wherever it happened and whoever attended it. It felt really awkward being among an unknown crowd with almost nobody I know. I end up following Macau everywhere he goes like a baby duckling following its mother. Macau being a natural extrovert can easily blend in and talk to many people. As for me, I felt so lost and alone here.

VegasPete The Series (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now