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I stretched my arms above my head, I had finally finished the last class of this semester. After a long talk that lasted until the afternoon I could go home. I would like to be in a better mood to start the holidays.

Mew just hadn't turned up here again. It hurt me not to hear from him all this time and even though I wanted to go to his apartment to talk about what happened, I felt like he needed his own space.

We were walking to the cafeteria with Oli when we saw a crowd gathering near the central billboard.

"What do you think it is?", Olivia asked.

"No idea," I mentioned without wanting to really find out. "Maybe a farewell bulletin for the graduates".

"Just because of that so many people?", She took my hand to bring us closer. "Come, let's see what it is".

Rather reluctantly I approached the crowd with my best friend. The truth was I just wanted to get home and sleep so I wouldn't keep thinking about anything.

"Hey, what is it?", Oli approached one of the boys to ask him. "Why all the fuss?".

I grabbed my phone to check the time, not at all interested in what was going on.

"Professor Suppasit has just resigned", I immediately raised my head when I heard him.

"Whatt?", I said, even before Olivia could speak.

I started to get closer to the banner, pushing people to get to read Mew's supposed resignation, I couldn't believe it in the slightest. Olivia called out to me, but I ignored her until I reached the front.

"Formal resignation of literature professor Mew Suppasit"

By means of the present, all the students of the literature area who had subjects with Professor Suppasit are informed that he has decided to leave the university by his own decision.

The professor's words to his students are as follows:

"I am infinitely grateful to all the students who have been with me during these years that I have been teaching. To the director for giving me the opportunity and sincere apologies if I have disappointed anyone by this sudden act. But I think the time is right, I have more things to pursue and I hope everyone is doing well. Until life puts us back on the same path, goodbye."

From: Mew Suppasit

Tears filled my eyes as I read Mew's farewell letter. I covered my mouth with my hand to keep from letting out a gasp. Oh God, what was all this? Why had Mew given up?

I didn't get it. His words weren't exact, but a part of me said so, it's my fault. There's something behind this that screams at me that it's my fault. Maybe Mew doesn't want to see me anymore, right? Shit, the tears are getting stronger every time I think about it.

"Hey, Gulf", Olivia came to my side and hugged me. "What's wrong?".

"Mew quit because of me," I whispered. "He did it because of me, Oli. He doesn't want to know anything about me".

"Don't say that." Oli started to read the letter, but then she quickly pushed me aside and pointed to the side of the banner. "Have you read that?".

My tear soaked eyes prevented me from seeing clearly.

"Baby, look at me first", my best friend wiped my tears.

Once with my sight recovered I began to read what Olivia insisted so much that I see.

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