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From the restaurant where I am sitting, the city looks calm, something strange, for the normal hustle and bustle at this time of Saturday. The whole landscape is beautiful, but nothing compares to the woman arriving in a black dress with white roses flowing over the knee.

"Sorry for the delay," she says. She had scheduled patients that she could not cancel.

I give him a smile as I shake my head. For her, I don't mind waiting hours.

"Don't worry," I got up to extend the chair for him.

Place your bag on the continuous seat while you take place. She grabs her long mane to the side with her hands. That long brown hair where I've been wanting to tangle my fingers ever since I met her.

That night at the homecoming party a month or so ago, wrapped in a skintight black dress, there was no person with the willpower not to look at her. I remember perfectly when I approached him at the bar.

His green eyes on the dance floor detailed me in a way that... God, I had no words to describe it. However, it was very clear from the first minute.

"You're beautiful, don't get me wrong, but tonight I'm not looking for nocturnal company. If you understand me".

It was a disappointment, although I didn't give up anyway. I got him to talk, a couple of dances and at the end of the night his number. I don't know what it is about this woman that has mesmerized me ever since I saw her. Generally, I was looking for nothing more than hot sex with the women I met, however, with this beautiful omega there was no "one night only" rule of mine.

It couldn't be clearer at this point. At first I wanted to make myself believe that she was only after a good ass, but seeing that on each date the most I've had from her are kisses on the cheek, I must admit that it's much more. That she takes my hand already excites me.

I have accepted that I am not looking for just sex. Maybe at first I thought I was after her because she was playing hard to get, however, I have no doubt that this woman has everything that attracts me... everything and more.

"Have you ordered?", I wonder.

"Not yet, I was waiting for you.".

She gives me what is turning very quickly into a familiar smile that makes my heart stop.

"I don't know if I told you, but I'm fascinated that you're like that with me".

I return the gesture, inclining my head.

"As well as?".

"Courteous," he replied. I didn't imagine you like this.

"No?" I feigned disappointment. "Don't I look like a courteous woman?".

"Oh, believe me, you look like a lot of things," he laughed. "I just didn't expect you so kind".

"Believe me too, I'm not gentle in other thing".

When he started laughing, my smile widened. The voice of the omega in front of me was so harmonious that I loved it, enough to listen to it for the rest of my life.

"I'm sure I'll find out..." She mentioned later, raising her hand to call the service.

"Whenever you want".

"I've thought about it." She connected our eyes. "Maybe I can give you that chance... tonight".

The air in my lungs was cut off

Oh. God. Mine.

She didn't suggest what I just imagined, did she?

Before I could ask her in which sense of the word she meant, the waitress arrived for us both to order.

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