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"🤏🏻" means little( just little love scene🤫)

Before reading this chapter, read the previous chapter first..


It was Friday night when I found myself parking my SUV in front of a large club lit up with red neon lights on the outside.

"Come on, I want to see what the night has in store for us." Olivia got out of the passenger seat as Jack closed the rear door.

I took a deep breath before doing the same and locking the doors. I headed over to where Oli and Jack were waiting before heading up the stairs.

Olivia, as always, looked stunning. Her loose red hair with high-waisted skinny jeans combined with a red lace crop top and not to mention her heels that made her look even taller.

Jack, meanwhile, always keeping a low profile. Brown slacks, black V-neck T-shirt, and slicked-back hair. Capable didn't realize it, but his blue eyes and the body that he carried already drew attention by itself.

I looked down and adjusted the white pants that a certain alpha had bought me for tonight. Also the black shirt and shoes.

As soon as I had told Oli that I was accepting his invitation to the welcome party, he made me go through the mall to look and look for clothes.

Reaching them, Olivia wrapped her arms around ours and kissed my cheek with a smile.

"I'm going to mark you with a bit of my scent, okay?" She asked.

I nodded and she did. It had a very floral scent mixed with a hint of a humid forest scent. I had always been fascinated by the smell of Olivia's pheromones.

Once this little act is done, which I hope will avoid attracting a lot of shitty people. We entered the club.

The neon lights stretched out in an elongated path before leading us inside the space the seniors had rented for the party. Two floors with people scattered everywhere. There were two stages, one with a tube and the other with a kind of mechanical bull.

"Wow, they weren't limited at all this year," Jack murmured.

"That thing that they were going to throw the house out the window was very serious," Olivia agreed.

We walked around and saw some classmates. Before continuing Jack told us that he also found some colleagues that he would go to say hello.

"Olivia, Gulf", I heard Nelson, one of our classmates. "Guys, come sit down, there's Martha and Liza over there".

After returning the greeting we went to the table that he pointed out to us.

Without moving an inch from me, Oli greeted some people who were approaching us. I was grateful to always have her there. Because the majority were alphas who shamelessly gave off their pheromones.

Our place was right in front of tonight's big attraction, the mechanical bull. My eyes couldn't quite believe it. They had really ridden a bull within the club.

It wasn't until I heard a deep voice and a singular scent that I took my eyes off the machine to see who it was coming from.

"Hi, guys," Professor Mew greeted.

My eyes widened when I saw him sitting alone at that table where two of our colleagues were supposed to be.

Oli must have noticed, because he quickly looked me in the eye, where I could see his question without him having to say it.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded and tried to put on a smile, which I'm not sure I believed.

"Professor, nice to see you tonight," I greeted the man who hadn't taken his eyes off us. I didn't know you were coming today.

Inevitable Attractions 🔞✅(MEWGULF)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt