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I swear the chapter is serious. Let's not pay attention to the title hehe.


"I have to go to college tomorrow, you'd better stay home," Mew said from across the coffee table.

It was Sunday night when we both decided that neither of us had the strength to cook and that the best solution was to order food at home. So once we bathed, I asked him to have dinner sitting on the living room floor since my table filled me with... memories. Things I'd rather not think about while eating.

"Okay," I replied.

Dinner passed in a silence that was only oppressed by the series of remodeling that was happening on television.

It seems that no one can even talk about how tired they are. We had both agreed, after a grueling round in the kitchen, that no more sex for today.

Since Friday we were locked up so my omega calmed down more after having this alpha with me so many times. I could tell my heat cycle wouldn't last a week this time, maybe another day or two.

I took a piece of sashimi and dunked it in soy sauce under Mew's watchful eye. A snicker left me as he wrinkled his nose as he watched me stuff the salmon into my mouth.

His eyes went up to look at me with some disgust.

"Eat your food and stop looking at me like a weirdo, man, it's just fish".

"Raw fish," he corrected. "It's slimy and..."

"And I like it", I added, taking a little wasabi with the chopsticks to put it on another piece of salmon.

To each their tastes, I suppose.

It was almost laughable to watch this alpha giant wrinkle his nose while eating a piece of lasagna just because I had declined the offer to eat an oriental dish.

"But don't you have Thai roots, too?" I asked for. "How do you not like these things?".

"I was only in Thailand my first two years, then I moved in with my dad and he's American," he shrugged. "So no, I never learned to eat raw animals".

I rolled my eyes.

Mew pointed his fork at me.

"And you? Haven't you lived here long? How come you don't like pizza?".

"I don't know," I said, chewing on a piece of sushi. "All that greasy cheese dripping... Ewww".

The alpha's eyes widened with anger. "But it's for the best".

"For me it is not".

"Omega stubborn, I will never be able to understand you".

I laughed at that statement as I watched him get up. He walked to the refrigerator and yelled over his shoulder:

"Do you want something to drink?".

"Soda is fine".

He came back with the drinks in hand, he gave me a coke that I gladly received as he sat down again.

If you reflected on this situation, you would probably think that I hit my head and was having a very strange and disturbing dream. Because having Mew, having dinner at my apartment on a Sunday night as if we were a couple, is not something my mind could process.

But here I am.

Chatting with him while we watch a crappy remodel show on TLC. Although I can't see the romantic, I can feel it comfortable. It's something different and a facet I never expected to experience from a man like my literature professor.

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