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The seminar had ended about thirty minutes ago. After finishing, we went to take a couple of photos that Asha had asked us to do and now we were in the room to change and go to the Hawaiian party that omega organized to celebrate her birthday, which had been a few days ago.

Although the heat has subsided with the arrival of the cool night, I preferred to put on some red shorts along with a shirt of the same color. Luckily for me, the party was informal and I no longer needed to wear a suit.

"All in passion red?", Mew asked as he left the bathroom.

He said he was feeling sweaty so he'd take a shower before we left. My God, his body in that tight towel hanging from his hips makes it hard for me to pay attention to what he's saying.

"Mhm..." I murmured, ignoring him.

Before I knew it he had come closer. He took my chin between his thumb and forefinger to raise my gaze to his face.

"My eyes are here. Not between my legs, omega".

"I know, but I was looking at something more entertaining." I wet my lips.

"My dick?", he inquired.

"The V line that goes down to your cock, yes, we could say that I was looking at your penis," I replied.

A smile appeared on the alpha's lips and I felt my breathing quicken. This man could put me on a thousand in just a second.

His hand encircled my waist while the other held my face in place. He got closer to feeling how our lips touched intimately, and when I was about to kiss him, he moved away.

"You can keep looking at it later, now we have to go to Asha's happy party" he went to his suitcase to get clothes.

"You're unbearable," I growled, the son of a bitch leaving me when I was going to kiss him. God, why do I put up with you? I can go and find someone else who gives me the same. It's that I'm an idiot.

I heard Mew's sing-song laugh. He came back to me with a smile, gave me a quick peck, and said nothing as he dressed


"Oh God, you're beautiful" I said to my best friend who was alone on the balcony when Mew and I left the room.

"Thank you," she smiled at me, coming over to give me a hug. Asha asked me to wear this dress.

It was a transparent beach dress which revealed the bathing suit underneath. The whole black outfit made her look wonderful and when the voice of an omega coming down the hall was heard, I turned to look at her. I was speechless.

Asha came in the same outfit as Olivia, but in white. They both looked flawless. The brunette with her hair in curls and the redhead with a ponytail.

"This looks like a fashion show," added
Logan along with Jack.

My best friend was wearing black shorts and a tank top of the same color, his arms looked great. And then there was Logan, the man sure did have a nice body to show for it. Wearing blue shorts and a white shirt with only three buttons on, his shapely chest showed through the clothes.

"That's how I like it. All handsome",Asha smiled. "Today I am a lucky girl. Look at all these chocolates that will go with me. Remember to smile for the photos, I'll kill you if you don't".

We headed to the elevator together. The omega had commented that the hotel offered a restaurant and bar service all night, so we would hold her celebration there, on the outskirts of a bungalow a few meters from the sea.

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