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The more I think about it, the more stupid I feel. With each passing second I wonder what the hell did I do?

Or rather: Why the fuck did I do it?

I was watching the boys complete another lap when the back door opened, I quickly turned to see if it wasn't the boy who had run from me after what happened.

I really don't blame him. I was totally reckless and impulsive to do that without asking him.

The desire to know if Gulf reached incorrigible lines due to my foolishness of years ended up winning me without realizing it.

But then my friend Sean's face broke into a big smile. He came up to me and patted me on the shoulder.

"How is the new instructor doing?", He asked. "Could this poor guy get a class with you today?".

The joy in his voice was contagious, too bad I couldn't feel even the slightest bit enthused by his.

I have class until eight, then I'm going to have dinner with my sister. I'm sorry, I replied.

"Oh, wow." A small look of sadness crossed his face. I guess next time.

I nodded, but when I was about to turn back to see the pool, I felt his hand squeeze me.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem to be on the moon. Your eyes aren't even really looking at me".

"The fucking psychology professor. Of course you had to be".

A small sigh left me as I shook my head.

"Nothing, just a lot of work".

"Oh really? But we just got back to school a week ago".

"I already feel that six months passed me by the back. All the holidays I was trying to continue with the damn collection of poems, I can't get an idea".

Not wanting to tell him the truth because, after all, Sean wasn't a friend I considered to be the closest of friends, I went for the second option. Which, without being entirely the truth, was not lying either.

"The new collection of poems that I had been working on for several months was consuming me alive. Somehow my imagination decided to run away on its own every time I picked up a pen and sat down to write".

"I had promised. I would take it out this year and it was not even halfway there yet".

"Man, it must be tough." He patted me. "Why don't you come to the party next week?".

"What party?".

"The welcome. The one that others usually organize to receive new entrants. This semester they postponed it until the third week to organize it well".

"They are parties for the first years, not for us".

"We are invited. The entire UNI is", he smiled again. "Cheer up, let's go. You are loved among the students. In addition, we take almost nothing with them. I have people older than me in my class".

That statement almost made me let out a wry laugh remembering the student I was with a couple of hours ago.

"I'll think about it," I answered that way because I knew that if I said a direct no, Sean would insist.

"OK. It will be at The Party Red club. There will be a lot going on this time, I heard they're going to have a mechanical bull or something".

I nodded again as I turned to watch my students.

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