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I was in the Illinois International Dock District waiting for the man I least wanted to see. The drizzle fell in small amounts while the sky remained cloudy as the previous days, this night in particular was colder than usual.

Five days had passed since I spoke to Gulf. It was already Thursday and the semester was ending tomorrow, so I only asked a friend to replace my hours. I needed to clear my head so I went to a cabin on the outskirts of the city to better think about what to do.

The weather seemed to have my mood this whole time. It hadn't stopped raining all fucking week. I removed the cigarette from my lips and expelled the smoke, my anxiety on the surface of the skin had made me finish almost a daily pack of tobacco.

"How has your week been, Mew?", The irritating voice of that subject did not make me want to turn around.

"It's not something you really care about, Joseph." I returned the cigar to my lips as he reached the railing of the pier next to me.

"So someone has been making inquiries, huh?", He smiled. "Where did you get my name?".

"Joseph Maxwell, son of Chief Chancellor Harry Maxwell," I said, looking him up and down. The least loved son. The black sheep of the family, charged with drug possession." I saw a grimace on his face. "Do you think you're the only one who can play this, kid?".

"Of course not, however, I have better win than you. Do you think my father would leave his son in jail? Please find something better to threaten with".

"I don't need to threaten you like you have done" I got a little closer to him. "I'm not as stupid as you. My name is worth more than yours, filthy son of a father who doesn't even want it.

He frowned, then pushed me away.

"What do you want to play, asshole?", he growled, I could feel his disgusting pheromones emanating from him. "You know I can sink you when I feel like fucking. Remember which of the two has more power here".

I inhaled slowly from my cigar again, I had achieved a part of this plan. Piss him off.

"Look, Maxwell, what you have against me makes my dick sweat".

"Oh really?", He smiled sideways. "Did you forget what I have?".

"What? Tell me, let's see if my memory refreshes after spending the weekend fucking with the only omega who has told you that I didn't spit. Tell me, does it burn a lot? As far as I know, even your parents don't know that you like male omegas. What are you going to tell them when they find out? I don't think they'll condone that behavior after all the crap you've given them".

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