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Before reading this chapter, read the previous chapter first..

(Omniscient narrator)

From the university, in the car, in the apartment and now, in the omega room, everything had taken a three hundred and sixty degree turn with the two people sitting on the sofa.

While a desperate boy swayed on the alpha's lap and kissed him with a need he never thought he had, they both could swear that the heat around them was capable of setting everything on fire.

Inside Mew's head the doubts had dissolved and Gulf was even worse. Begging the professor who can't stand the least to help him pass his zeal.

The alpha took the chin of the brunette who was still kissing him on the neck to corner his mouth. His lips were full and malleable, as if they were made to be kissed with delight for hours. A delicacy worthy of being tasted as such.

Mew guided his palms to the back of each other's thighs. He thrust his tongue roughly, drawing a moan from Gulf as he rose from the seat with him in his arms.

"Your room... tell me where it is".

The professor's voice had descended to the point of being so hoarse that it managed to make the omega more restless.

Hee wrapped his arms around his neck as he whispered against Mew's ear, "Down the hall, it's the last one on the left hand".

With the instructions given, the chestnut began to walk. The brunette's hands reached his face again to eat his mouth. It was as if Gulf had just tasted a new sweet. One that he couldn't stop savoring.

The door was kicked shut before the alpha could make out anything inside the room clearly.

His eyes only rested on the large bed with a cedar headboard that graced the center. Cream blankets were perfectly placed along with plenty of matching pillows.

He reached for his and took the boy in his arms without leaving him. Settling between Gulf's spread legs, Mew continued to sate the desperate boy's needs.

Because that's how the omega was right now. Desperate. Hungry to quench their desires.

The alpha's hips began to slow down on the omega. Some torturous attacks on the clothes that made the other aware of how needy they were.

The pheromones blocked out any thoughts other than the ferocious need to devour each other.

With all four walls flooded from end to end with mixed scents, the two men in the middle of the bed kept kissing until they ran out of air.

Mew raised his head and his animalistic side was inches from crossing the line to take over him. The omega's exquisite face, full of exuberant pleasure running down his cheeks turning them red and sweat dripping from his forehead as his swollen lips were parted for air was a temptation to behold.

A moan escaped the brunette before he pounced on his prey again.

There was nothing in Gulf's mind but the alpha's face. Sweating as he tried at all costs not to completely lose his sanity. It was impressive to see him like this. So lost until almost falling into the abyss.

Mew's lips reached his jaw, licking his tongue as his fingers undid the buttons one by one.

With his shirt open, the alpha reached in with his hands to outline the slender body. Skin to skin, in a sea of ​​new sensations for both of them.

If either of them had been asked a hypothetical situation where they ended up like this, the omega would probably end up disgusted by the assumption while the alpha would laugh wryly at that nonsense.

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