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Before reading this chapter, read the previous chapter first..


I was sitting at my desk, tapping my quill over the page in an attempt to get inspiration to strike so I could continue with a poem I had been half finished with for a while, until the enraged scent of an alpha came through my door.

"Professor", Olivia Collins stood in front of my desk, "I would like to speak with you".

Her hands touched the edge of the table and he could clearly distinguish the anger on her face as well as in her scent.

"First, put those pheromones away, Miss Collins".

A smug smile appeared on her face.

"Do my pheromones bother you? Well, what a pity. Because it is precisely that topic that I want to discuss with you".

My brow furrowed seeing her like this. Olivia was one of my best students, and she knew me well enough to know that people's tone of voice could make me quite angry.

"What does it mean?" I stood up.

"You've been spreading pheromones like crazy when we're in class," she pointed at me, even angrier than before. "The whole room smells like your pheromones, Professor".

"And how does that affect you? You are alpha".

"But Gulf is omega" and he knows it.

My eyebrows rose a bit, but I remained serious at the woman across from me.

"The pheromones of a dominant alpha like you do not affect anyone here... nobody, apart from Gulf, because he is the only omega in this class".

When I continued to remain silent, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"The whole classroom reeks of alpha pheromones. That affects the omegas.
It affects Gulf", he clarified.

"In what sense does it do it? He has never passed out or felt ill in my hour".

"But it affects his zeal".

As soon as she said that my frown narrowed even more.

"Because of those strong pheromones, Gulf's heat is extremely irregular. The smell makes your hormones can't take it and you end up having disorders".

I had no idea about that.

Olivia sighed again.

He hasn't noticed either.

"Then how do you know that?"

"Because I spend a lot of time with him. I've lived most of my life on his back, I know when certain things are wrong with my boyx.

Your boy? Where did this woman get that from?

Taking possession of a person without carrying a mark is something I repudiate. More since Gulf is part of a widely rejected minority.

I kept the comment to myself because it was none of my business. I turned my eyes to the green ones that hadn't moved away.

"Explain to me in detail what is happening with Kanawut", I extended my hand as a sign for him to sit down.

He let out a little air again as he took a seat. Once face to face she looked me straight in the eyes, there were no jokes in what she was going to tell me.

"Gulf is also a dominant omega, only he hides his pheromones with pills all the time," he said coldly. "As the consumption of these medications is recurrent, your system ends up reducing its own pheromones, almost making it a recessive omega".

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