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The place where the seminar would take place was outdoors. About thirty chairs were spread out in front of the podium where the experts for the night would be debating research from three different universities. Asha was coming on behalf of her old university. The University of Chicago, Illinois.

The companions of the brand new psychologist were in the front row. Olivia in the middle of Jack and Logan, commenting on the topic of the seminar. While Mew and Gulf arrived with a couple of drinks in hand.

'This is amazing to me. They don't know how amazed I was when they accepted my request, there were more than a hundred students applying to be here", Logan said, watching how the cameras began to be placed. When Ms. Brown went to the university to offer a seat for her seminar in Hawaii, we all jumped in to apply.

"My omega wanted to give this opportunity to a student from his old university," Olivia smiled, looking at her girlfriend who was accommodating papers on the lectern. I'm glad you were the lucky one.

"Yeah...lucky," Mew whispered.

The alpha was tense near the newcomer. At certain moments his thoughts turned into murmurs or growls that only Gulf got to hear. Goodness. Poor Logan, he hasn't done anything to him and he already hates him.

"We welcome everyone to the tenth edition of the "Research around the world" seminar that brings together the best experts from different universities in the world to discuss the different points of view on the chosen topic", the presenter yelled. "This year's theme chosen by University of Chicago Honors Graduate Asha Brown".

A round of applause ensued as the omega rose and took the microphone.

"It's a pleasure to have all of you tonight," she said with a smile. This year the theme was awarded to me. Grateful for this great honor, I begin this seminar by giving the floor to Dr. Meyer from the University of Berlin, who will be giving us an introduction to the subject".

A tall blond-haired man in his late fifties, but in very good shape, came up to the lectern.

"Thank you, Mrs. Brown." He smiled at the omega who was sitting down again. As mentioned tonight's theme is emotional intelligence in relationships. Emotional intelligence has been presented as a characteristic that facilitates interpersonal relationships, because it allows one to be aware of emotions, understand them, manage them in oneself and in others, and use them to reason better", he explained. "Said in a simpler way, it is like being aware of our actions with other people to recognize our feelings and handle them correctly".

The omega on the podium couldn't help but smile, looking at her brother and omega next to him.

Dr. Meyer followed with the technical explanation of the term. After a long explanation, another man got up. Of medium build and brown hair who came on behalf of Korea University, Seoul.

"Regarding emotional intelligence between a couple, we must take several things into account. Its two members each have their own internal world, two universes that have to harmonize".

The man's voice was good, those people who know how to reach others with their words. Mew listened to him attentively in each sentence.

"We have always heard that opposites attract, on many occasions because they complement each other, but it is also easy to fall backwards. Not always different poles can learn to get along, however, if they do, it must be taken into account that at some point they will differ in something and their positions will collide in some way. This is where the way we have to resolve these situations comes in, always maintaining our position without detracting from the other's".

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