77. *Enzo's Plan*

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"Hmm...actually you're right." He said nodding to himself. "Alright, fine I'm going to tell you." And with that he began telling me about his plan.

Apparently, everybody already knew about the plan, and by everybody I meant everyone but Massimo. To be honest I didn't know if the plan would actually work but we didn't have any other choice. Besides Enzo believed even if it didn't completely work, we'd still be able to get a very strong reaction out of Massimo. I didn't know what he meant by that.

"And he was ok when you asked him to become a part of this plan?" Currently I was in my room with Enzo, who had been telling me everything about his whatever plan.

"Ok? From the way he immediately agreed, it seemed like he had been waiting for that moment!" Enzo exclaimed as he then let out a chuckle. "Actually, I don't know if you noticed but when he was here last time, he had that look in his eyes when he was looking at you." As he said that I gave him a what're you saying dude! look.

I shook my head at him as I said, "Um no, you probably misunderstood something." He gave me a I know what I see look. I rolled my eyes at him. "He was such a gentleman with me, so just shut up."

"I never said he wasn't a gentleman tesoro." He exclaimed. "All I'm saying is maybe he likes you and that's the reason why he immediately agreed with this plan."

"Alright, that's enough." I said as I stood up from the bed. "I'm in no mood of listening to your rubbish talks." I made my way towards the bathroom. "So, if you'll please excuse me, I need to take a shower." I gestured him to leave from my room.

Enzo pouted but stood up from his seat anyways. "Fine tesoro I'm leaving." He said, making his way towards the door. "And I hope I'm wrong, because if he really has a thing for you," He halted in his steps, "...then God save him from Massimo." And with that he left from there.

It was the next day in the morning, I was in the living room with both of my best friends and Hana. Aurora was no where in sight although I had told her that she wouldn't have to stay inside her room & be alone all the time. I noticed how she felt being left out, it was so clear from the way she never spoke unless we asked her something. She'd just simply listen to all of us. I had also noticed her looking at me a lot of times, but for some reason when I looked back at her she'd always look away. I never questioned her behaviour, I guessed she was just trying to fit in.

"So...are you ready for the plan to begin?" It was Hana who asked me that. I looked at her and thought about what she just said. "Um ya I mean it's just a plan." I simply shrugged.

"I heard he is really handsome." Hana said as a sly grin came up on her lips. "I mean I haven't met him in person, but I've heard a lot about him you know."

"Is he just like Massimo?" Amanda asked now greeting curious.

Hana shook her head slightly, "I mean if we talk about power then maybe he's a little bit less than oppa...." She began explaining. "....but if we talk about looks, he's no less!"

"You said you haven't met him in person, so do you know how he looks like?" This time it was Bianca.

"Of course, he's everywhere on the internet." Hana said as she then took out her phone. "Wait, let me google him for y'all." Bianca & Amanda immediately stood up from their seats, and sat down on either side of Hana. I shook my head at them. 'These girls.'

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt