Start from the beginning

"It's not, Mew," said the omega. "I asked her because I wanted to know who she was dating. I told her That I wanted to know the truth or she could go to hell, I don't hang out with people who hide things from me"

My mouth dropped open in surprise at what she said.

"Fuck, you had to be a psychologist," the alpha whispered.

"He's nosy, but I like him that way," Olivia laughed. "He threatened me that I should tell him everything and dammit Mew, your sister is scary".

"Alpha bowed." Mew shook his head. "How easy you let yourself be fooled by an omega".

"Are you different from her?", Asha faced. "I don't think so, Mew".

The brown-haired woman's eyes met mine. I don't know why, but I felt my cheeks turn red. I looked at Mew and he stopped killing his sister with his eyes to look at me. Without saying anything to each other, I was able to perceive his aroma wrapped around me. Then Asha spoke again.

"So, Gulf, you were Oli's boyfriend." I immediately looked at my best friend with fear. "Hey, it's okay, she told me everything and it doesn't bother me at all. I'm happy that you became great friends again".

"I... yes, we were a couple for a while," I said perplexed.

Suddenly a strong burst of pheromones filled my nose. I turned and noticed Mew's gaze fixed on me, I even felt for a second his eyes turn gold. I thought he was going to ask me something, however, he didn't say anything as he drank his beer.


When the music changed to a more moving one, he heard himself say very loudly. "It's a night of Latin classics, everyone on the dance floor".

Olivia got up to extend her hand to her girlfriend. Then she came up to me and gave me hee hand as a sign that I take it.

"You come with us".


It had been a couple of hours since we entered the dance floor. With several drinks on me the atmosphere felt relaxed, being with Asha and Olivia gave me even more comfort. The songs kept going and from time to time he turned to see the alpha sitting in the booth.

Mew said he'd stay while we enjoyed our evening. But at all times I felt him with his eyes on my body. The man looked good in the leather pants and that black tank top. He had extended one of his arms in the cockpit as he looked in our direction and drank.

I felt his presence more strongly since his sister mentioned my relationship with Olivia. I don't know the reason for that. It was something for a few months and it didn't even feel like a relationship. The most we got was kisses

I lost my train of thought when a very familiar and familiar song started playing. With Olivia we looked at each other for a second to smile at each other, it was music that we loved to dance to at parties. However, I motioned for her to take her girlfriend and do it with her.

"A song for couples who enjoy the night", they mentioned from the microphone. "We'll be back to normal programming soon".

As Love Is A Bitch filled the room, I couldn't help but close my eyes to enjoy it. At that moment a boy approached me.

"Do you want to dance with me?", he asked kindly. "I see you like the song and I've been watching you for a while. Do you accept me only one piece?".

For some reason his question made me smile. Damn, a real man, I thought. This was one of those melodies that I couldn't resist and he only asked me for a dance, besides doing it well and with a friendly smile.

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