Chapter 44

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The door opened, and I was faintly aware of someone entering.

“Oh god, no.” A voice said.

I was aware of being picked up, but I didn’t move to see who it was. Instead, I kept my eyes on their hands. They were rough and dry, as if they had been through a lot of work. Yet, they were slender and strong. I closed my eyes and clung to whoever it was carrying me. I was bawling, and I couldn’t stop. The hot tears were rolling down my cheeks, and I tried to wipe them away.

“Here you go, Natasha.” The voice said again. “She’s covered in blood, so you might want to give her a bath.”

“What happened?” She asked, taking me from his arms.

He whispered into her ear and I could hear her gasp quietly.

“Poor thing...” She whispered. “First Max, now Grey.”

I was aware of the man leaving the room, and I turned my attention to Natasha. She brought me to the bathroom and turned the shower on.

“Here you go, baby.” She said. “Get yourself cleaned off.”

I got up and stripped out of my clothing. Looking at the ring, I took it off. The tears came back and I hopped into the shower. I rubbed my hands over my blood drenched skin, and closed my eyes. It hurt me to see Grey’s blood everywhere. Eventually I got it all off, and climbed out of the shower. I found a new set of clothes set out for me when I got out.

I put the clothes on quickly and trudged downstairs. I sat at the dining room table, and called Phil over. He came and sat beside me, and wrapped his arms around me.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “I saw what happened.”

I looked up at him and nodded. Yet I felt slightly nauseous, and my breasts hurt. It was as though my fighting was finally taking its toll on me. He wiped a tear off of my cheek with his hand. It was rough, and kind of dry. I felt the recognition set in, and looked him in the eyes.

“Phil, it was you who picked me up?” I asked.

He brushed my hair away and nodded. “Of course, babe.” He said. “I got your back!”

I smiled and gave him a hug. “Thank you.” I said. “But I have to...”

He nodded and took my hand. “Do whatever you need to do.” He said. “I won’t tell anyone. Promise.”

I smiled softly and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Phil.” I said.

I got up from the table and went to the backyard. I was thinking of a plan. Something I could do. I wouldn’t have told anyone besides Phil what I planned to do. They wouldn’t understand. I would go to the graveyard with Grey’s body...Yes...No one would know... They would only stop me.... I thought

“I’m coming for you, guys.” I whispered into the wind.

I ran upstairs to where Grey’s body was sitting. I didn’t care that I was wearing new clothes. I picked him up and carried him out the door, and to the cemetery. It wasn’t far. I laid him next to Max’s grave, and decided to get started. I grabbed a shovel and started digging. It had started to rain, so I was wet, cold, and muddy. My hair was hanging down in front of my eyes.

After a while, I was able to reach his coffin. I threw the shovel aside and grabbed it. It took almost all of my strength, but I pulled it out of the ground. When it was securely on the ground, I pulled it open. I almost cried when I looked inside. Max was lying there, almost as if he was alive. I grabbed his cold, limp body and placed it next to Grey’s.

“This is for you guys...and Cecil...” I told the two corpses.

I was bloody, covered in mud, and soaked. My eyes were red from crying, and my clothes had ripped a bit. I couldn’t have looked worse if I tried. I closed my eyes and grabbed the hands of both of the corpses. They were cold.

“They won’t be for long though...” I whispered. “Not for long.”

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