Chapter 20

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As I looked out at the storm clouds, I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to find a pretty, young maid that I hadn’t seen before.

“Hello.” I said, slightly taken off guard.

“Hello,” She said back. “My name is Natasha.” I smiled, as I looked at her waist-long hair dyed bright red, blue eyes, and innocent smile. She took my sheets off of my bed.

“I’m washing them today.” She explained, before leaving with them. I went to Cecil’s room, and knocked on the door.

“Come in” He said. I opened the door and walked to where Cecil was standing.

“Hey Cecil,” I said. “Who’s the new maid?” He smiled.

“So you met her?” He said. “I found her on the street. She ran away from home, and needed a job.” I nodded, and smiled gently. Cecil immediately took out some wine, and I glared at him.

“Alright, alright.” He said. “I’ll put it away!”

I giggled quietly to myself and left the room. Maybe I’ll go outside I thought. I went downstairs, and opened the doors to the backyard. With all the black clouds outside it looked like a storm was coming, but I didn’t care. I walked outside, and sat down on the grass.

Thunder rumbled overhead, and I looked up at the dark clouds. I could feel small droplets of water falling on my face. Soon, the droplets evolved into a downpour of rain, and I was completely soaked. I could feel a small chill in my bones. As I sat in the rain, I thought about Cecil, Grey, Max, and how nice all of them were to me. Despite the situation I was in, I was happy. I had such good friends, and they didn’t care about how I looked, or that I was a mutant.I heard the door open behind me, then close again.

“Hello, Miss Grace.” Natasha said, sitting beside me.

“Hey Natasha,” I said, smiling. “There’s no need to be so formal, you know! You can just call me Grace if you want!” She smiled, and her eyes twinkled.

“I think I might just do that.” She said, taking my hands in her own. We sat there talking in the rain, for maybe an hour before Natasha gasped in horror.

“Oh Dear!” She cried. “I forgot all about my cleaning duties!” I grabbed her hand.

“It’s okay,” I said, reassuringly. “I’ll tell Cecil that I had you with me. He won’t mind.” She grinned widely, and went back into the house. I stretched and stood up, feeling refreshed.

I went inside, past the living room, into the dining room.

“Hey, Grace!” Cecil called. “Are you hungry?” I looked up at him.

“Oh, yes.” I said, nodding. He added more pasta to the pot of pasta he was already cooking.

“Grey and Max are eating with us too.” He said. “Tanya already ate, so she won’t be joining us.” I caught a hint of sadness in his voice, and watched as he took out another cigarette.

“Okay.” I said. There was an awkward silence until Grey and Max came.

“Hey Grace!” They both called, stopping to give me a hug.

“Hey guys.” I said back. They sat down and soon all of us were eating, talking and laughing.

Near the end of dinner, I was tired, so I retired to my room. I closed my door, sat on my bed, and changed into pajamas. Brushing my hair, I felt even more tired, and lay down on my bed easily after. I closed my eyes, and soon, I fell asleep.

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