Chapter 37

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I got up two hours later, feeling refreshed. I stretched, got out of the bed, and tried to decide on what to do. I thought back to the question that occupied my mind before I fell asleep. If Cecil loved me, what about Natasha? I sighed audibly and went outside of my room. I didn’t know what time it was, but I was hungry. My stomach was rumbling so loud I feared that Cecil might think there was a monster in his house.

“What to do...?” I muttered, trying to find a clock.

I found one, and it said that it was time for lunch. I slid across the floor, and to the table, where I took my familiar seat.

“Hey, Phil!” I called to one of the servants. “Can you whip me up some food?”

He nodded and walked over to the kitchen. He started to get some salad ready, and some garlic bread.

“Sorry to bother you, Phil.” I apologized. “If I could cook, I’d do it myself!”

He let out a hearty laugh. “It’s okay Grace.” He said. “I’m glad to do this for you! I’ve tasted your cooking before and...Well we wouldn’t want anyone else eating it by accident, now would we?”

I stifled my laughter behind my hand and waited for the food to finish cooking. He placed the salad and bread in front of me, and sat down across from me. I was sitting there, talking with Phil, when I nearly fell out of my chair. I put my hand to my head, and was faintly aware of Phil calling my name. It felt like there was something attacking my brain. It was like some strong force was trying to break free. The force got stronger, and I was faintly aware of the fact that I was slipping into my own mind.

“Grace...” A voice called. “Grace...”

I opened my eyes. I was in a room I had never seen before, yet it felt familiar. I turned around. I saw a woman, in her early forties, sitting beside me.

“Grace!” She called firmly. “It’s time to get up!”

I sat up slowly. I didn’t know where I was. The woman took my arm and pulled me out of bed. She got me some clothes (looked like a uniform), and pushed me towards a shower.

“You’re running late!” She cried. “Get ready quickly! Lee will be here in ten minutes!”

I didn’t know who Lee was, but things were starting to make sense. I’m channelling into someone’s memories... I thought. But whose? I shrugged it off and got ready. Before I finished, I looked in the mirror. I looked about 18, with shoulder length black hair, and green eyes. As soon as I was done, my mom pulled me down the stairs. I was shoved out the door, and into a boy standing there.

“Hey, Grace!” He cried. “What took you so long?”

I looked up and smiled. The boy was about 18 years old, with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead.

“It’s sad that you have to go...” He continued. “I can’t believe you’re moving! But promise me that you’ll come back! Remember your promise!”

As if by some force, words came out of my mouth. “I remember...” I said. “I promised I would marry you! You even gave me a ring!” To my own shock, I extended my hand out to reveal a glistening diamond.

He smiled and we continued on our way. “Grace...” he said.



I woke up in the dining room, with Phil shaking me. When I turned to him, he let out a sigh of relief.

“I thought you were hurt or something!” He cried. “I was going to get Grey!”

I smiled and assured him that I was fine. I excused myself without eating and went to my room. Locking the door behind me, I went up to the door Max had made between our rooms.

“Did this happen to you too?” I whispered, knowing that there would be no reply.

I sat down on my bed and let my head rest against the wall. I didn’t have very much peace though, because the doorbell rang. I didn’t move. If it didn’t concern me, I didn’t need to move. Then I heard my name.

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