Chapter 29

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I woke up to bright sunshine, and Grey. Wait a minute…Grey? I sat up quickly and rubbed my eyes. Nope. He was still there. I touched his shoulder gently, and he stirred slightly. In a moment, he stretched and sat up. Looking over at me, it seemed as though all of the sleep drained away from him.

“Grace!” he cried.

“Grey?” I questioned.

We sat there, staring at each other for a moment, until it seemed we both remembered that nothing happened. It was a relief to know that nothing had happened. I got out of the bed, and helped Grey with getting out of it. My bed almost sucked you in, since it was so comfy. He finally got out, flopping to the ground.

“That is one comfy bed!” he said. “I almost couldn’t move.”

I hid a smile and grabbed my clothes. Making sure I had everything, I turned to Grey, making my face serious, while trying not to laugh.

“Grey,” I said. “I’m going to take a shower. If you take one step inside that bathroom, you’ll never hear the end of it!”

He put his hands up in a surrendering motion and I left for the bathroom. Putting my clothes on a shelf, I shed off my pajamas, and turned on the shower. I stepped in and felt the warm water hit against my skin. It felt good to scrub off all the dirt and rainwater that had accumulated at the cemetery. I washed my hair thoroughly, and turned the water off. I stepped into a towel, and went to get my clothes. It was only when I was going to put them on that I realized I was missing something. I sighed and opened the door that went from my room to the bathroom.

“Um, Grace?” Grey said, unsure of what to do.

I hid my embarrassment as I got my shirt. I had forgotten that Grey was in there! Oops. I put my clothes on quickly and went back into my room. Grey was facing the other way now, probably in case I came out again.

“You can look, Grey.” I said.

He turned around, and I hid my laughter when his face was beet red. I took his arm and we went down for some breakfast. After a great meal of well, cereal, we decided to go for a walk. I could go for walks now, since I had found out that I could make my wings go into my body, so they could be unseen. We went down to the lake there, and sat down. We just relaxed and sat in the sun. It surprised me when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Grey?” I said, looking at him.

He looked at me back. “Yes?” He replied.

I looked at his hands, placed firmly beside him and felt a chill go down my spine. I turned around. The hand was not Grey’s, but the hand of someone very pale, with long black hair. The part that shocked me was that her eyes were pitch black. It was a look I recognized.

“Grey…” I whispered. “We have to leave…”

He looked at me, waiting for an explanation, but before I could give one, claws shot out from the hand. I cried out in pain as the claws dug into my flesh. Grey jumped out of his seat and watched as big, black wings appeared from behind the angel. I whipped around and plunged my claws into her neck, causing her to stumble backwards. Why are they still chasing me?! My thoughts cried. I grabbed Grey and pushed him aside as the angel lunged for where he was just standing. I plunged my nails through the center of her face, and she fell backwards.

“Why are you still chasing me?” I asked as I pressed a hand on her heart. She only smiled and whispered a single word before I let a beam of light loose into her heart, ending her life.

“What did she say?” Grey asked, coming to stand beside me.


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