Chapter 39

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I was resting quietly when Grey knocked gently on my door. The sound brought suspense, and I knew that he had come to a decision.

“Come in!” I said loudly.

The door opened and Grey stepped in. “I’ve made a decision.” He said. “I want you to go and check it out.”

I had expected the opposite. “Really?” I asked. “Are you sure?”

He nodded silently. “But...” I started. “What if I decide to stay? What if I-”

Grey cut me off. “Don’t worry.” He said. “It’ll be fine.”

I took his word for it and let the issue drop. He came over to my side and wrapped me up in a hug. I accepted it with a feeling of comfort, and let the hug carry on for another couple of minutes. Eventually, I had to pull away. I looked at Grey’s face, wondering if he doubted his decision. In his eyes I found no worry, no second thoughts.

“We should start moving.” He said, breaking the silence. “We’ll start tomorrow, okay?”

I nodded softly, and he gave me a smile. “Hey, listen.” He said. “Don’t worry, alright? I’m not disappointed, I’m not angry, I’m fine.”

I decided to take his word for it as he left my room to prepare. We were probably leaving in the morning, and I knew I needed rest. I hadn’t slept well in days. I crawled under the covers. The warmth of the blankets was comfortingly warm. I brought the blankets close around me. I thought about the possibilities of seeing my family, fiancée, and more. It could go two ways.

“It’s best not to think about it.” I whispered, turning into my side.

Soon, my eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep. I drifted into a dreamless sleep. I was too tired to dream.

I woke up hours later, feeling somewhat refreshed. I sat up, stretched, and threw the blankets back. The sun was shining brightly, and it looked nice outside. I took some clothes out of my drawers, and went to get showered. As soon as I was finished, I walked back to my room and sat down. The only thing to do was eat. I stood up again, and made my way down to the kitchen. As soon as I sat down, Phil looked my way.

“Hey, Babe.” He said. “Whatcha want today?”

I smiled and looked at him happily. “Whatever you feel like making Phil.” I said.

He flashed a wide grin and got to work. “So I hear you’re going somewhere.” He said.

I nodded, even though he couldn’t see it. “I’m going to try and find my family.” I said, feeling the excitement set in.

He laughed and came with some bacon, tater tots and toast. “That sounds interesting!” He said. “I hope you find them!”

He left the room, and I started to eat. Phil was a good guy. He was so nice, and encouraging! I ate my food, savouring the taste of Phil’s cooking. Who knew when I would eat it again? I finished and brought my dishes to the kitchen. I tried to help with the washing, but Phil refused to let me help.

“You don’t need to Babe.” He assured me. “I’ll do it,”

I threw my hands up in defeat. “Okay,” I sighed. “You win!”

He winked at me, and I walked out of the kitchen. I walked all the way upstairs, only to be told I had to go back down.

“We’re leaving Grace.” Grey said, flashing me a smile.

I sighed. “Just let me get something.” I said.

Grey agreed and I ran back up the stairs. I ran into my room and grabbed the ring off the counter. I also grabbed the paper with the address. I was prepared. I ran back down and gave Grey the address. He smiled and took my hand.

“Shall we go then?” He asked, opening the door.

I nodded and got my boots on. It was going to be a painful walk. The suspense would rack at my brain, showing no mercy. I guess the only thing to do would be to hold tight until we got there.

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