Chater 31

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Suddenly, in a thoughtless gesture, I moved to the side as the angel let the light beam fly. I missed my heart, but it went through my stomach. I fell to the floor, unable to move. I had suffered claws, nail guns, stuff that could kill normal people, but this beam had injured me badly. I could even see blood forming on the white sweater I was wearing.

“Grace!” Grey cried. He turned to the angel furiously. “You’ll pay for that, you bastard!”

He helped me get to my feet. When I stood up straight, all the blood that had formed on my sweater was in clear view. As expected, Grey’s eyes immediately went down to that spot. His eyes clouded over and his face turned into an expression of rage and sorrow. That was when I realized it. If I died now, Grey and Cecil would probably be just like the angel. I couldn’t do that to them. I tried to move forward, but the pain was too great.

“Are you okay?” Grey asked, holding me up.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It just hurts a bit.” I lied.

I definitely wasn’t okay. Had a wound that was bleeding freely, and I was getting lightheaded, but I couldn’t tell Grey that. I did my best to cover up my pain, and shuffled forward. The angel was clearly pre-occupied with something on my dresser, so I snuck in underneath him. Pressing my hand to his chest gently, I used every ounce of my remaining strength to send a beam through his body. He fell down and away from the desk. That vile feeling came back, but it was swept away by nausea and dizziness.

“Grace?” Grey said, coming to where I was standing. “Grace, are you alright?”

I turned, and stumbled. “I’m…fine…” I said.

He grabbed my wrists and moved my hands away from the wound. The expression on his face was nop longer anger or sadness, but pure worry.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” He cried. “This could be fatal…Grace? ...Grace!”

But I couldn’t hear him. I had lost too much blood. I couldn’t even see straight. I felt my legs give in as I collapsed to the floor. The blackness I had become familiar with, after the amount of times I had collapsed, came much swifter this time. I didn’t even have time to see Grey scoop me up and carry me to the medical room.


Grey scooped her up into his arms. She’s hurt bad… He thought. Walking to the medical room felt painfully long when time seemed important. When he finally got there, he lay her body down quickly and got to work immediately. He uncovered the wound, and nearly fainted.

“Holy crap…” he mumbled “This is bad…”

The wound was big and bleeding badly. She had clearly lost a lot of blood, and was losing more. He quickly got some bandages, and wrapped up the wound. Every time he looked at that wound he felt nauseous, although he had treated similar cases before with ease. It’s because she’s my friend, isn’t it? He thought. But I’ve treated Cecil before… There was no time to dwell on such questions though. Grace’s life was at stake!

He continued with his work, giving medicine, bandages, blood, etc. When he was finally done with all he could possibly do, he sat down and looked at the body with a growing unease.

“I guess the rest is up to fate…” Grey said, sighing.

But I sure hope fate let’s her live...

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