Chapter 17

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It was almost a blur for the next couple moments. I dashed in quickly, avoiding the knife the doctor was holding. Grey tripped him, Cecil punched him, and the mutants swarmed him. I pressed my back against the wall and thought of a plan. He was completely outnumbered, but he had a bunch of gadgets and weapons he could use. It was too late to turn back, so we had to fight our way out. I grabbed a knife that was sitting on a desk, and threw it at the doctor. It would have actually hurt him if I hit him...but I missed and nearly hit Grey.

“Hey, watch it!” he yelled. I apologized and grabbed a vase. Quickly, I ran up to the doctor, and smashed the vase over his head. He didn’t notice at first, with all the mutants swarming him, but when he did he looked pissed. He whipped his body around to face me, and I saw the fires of rage burning in his eyes.

“That is it!” He bellowed, and lunged for me. Blood ran down his face, and dripped to the floor.

“Grace!” Grey called. I was puzzled at first, but caught on.

The doctor had cornered me toward a bookshelf. I changed direction, but not quickly enough. The bookshelf fell down, crushing me. Tremendous pain coursed through my body, and black spots started to block my vision.

“Grace...Grace?” Cecil called, although I could barely hear him. The black spots blocked my vision completely and I became unconscious.


Cecil and Grey both watched as Grace became unconscious.

“Fuck!” Grey mumbled. Cecil felt rage rip through his body.

“You bastard!” he yelled.

He picked up an arm (from one of the dead mutants) and began hitting the doctor with it.

“Ouch...OW!” He cried. “That hurts!” The doctor grabbed a torch off the wall, and threw it against the floor. The room burst out into flames.

“Shit!” Grey cried, as the doctor took more torches and did the same. Then he ran out the window, escaping. The room was boiling now, and the fire was spreading.

“We have to get out!” Cecil cried. Grey and Cecil jumped out the window, following the doctor, and the mutants followed...except for Max. He pulled his hood down.

“Crap!” he cried. “I have to get her out of here!” He placed his hands under the bookshelf and pulled upwards. It didn’t move.

It’s heavier than I thought... He thought. But I have to get Grace out! He pulled harder, and the shelf moved up. After a couple minutes the shelf was standing upright again. The fire crackled and got both hotter and brighter.

“Fuck!” Max cried, scooping Grace up in his arms. “We have to get out of here!” The window that the others had used for escape was blocked by fire. Max looked around. There was another window.

“Okay then...” he mumbled.

He ran toward the window and jumped through it, breaking the glass. He was high in the air, with glass shards flying around him. He braced himself for impact, holding Grace so that the fall wouldn’t hurt her as well. He hit the ground hard, and cried out in pain. He shook his head and stood up, with Grace still in his arms. As he walked down the streets, he felt his body getting extremely hot.

“Why is it so hot?” He mumbled to himself. Then he realized that a parka was rather hot under normal circumstances.

“Well...” he said. “Although some circumstances suck, we must be thankful in all of them...” He walked toward the others, who had formed a group outside of the building. He was going to give the two non-mutants a piece of his mind.

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