Chapter 36

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During the next couple days, I started to notice things like shy smiles, and other things that could mean love. Maybe it was because I was more focused on it. It seemed that I was surrounded by love. I remembered Max, and thought about his last words. He had said that he loved me, and that the others did too. I buried my face in my pillow as the familiar grief washed over me. Why couldn’t I have known about it before he died?

I heard a knock at my door. “Grace?” Grey called. “Can I come in?”

“Yes.” I replied, sitting up on my bed.

He opened the door and walked over. “Hey there.” He said, flashing me a smile. “I was kinda bored, so I figured I’d visit ya.”

“Cool.” I said, flashing him a bright smile in return.

He leaned back. “So whatcha thinkin’ about?” He asked.

I looked at the ceiling. “I was just thinking about Max...” I said.

He gave me a sympathetic look. “You really miss him don’t you?” He asked.

I nodded. He gave me the sympathetic look, but I saw something else in his eyes. I couldn’t quite place it. It was kind of sad, but angry, it was hard to explain.

“I was thinking about his last words.” I said.

The look disappeared from his eyes, and was replaced with a nervous look. “Which ones?” he asked.

“When he told me that he loved me...” I said.

He nodded, and looked up, pain showing in his eyes. “Really...” He said.

I nodded. “And what he said after that...” I continued.

Grey looked at me, the nervousness seeping back into his eyes. I continued on.

“When he said he loved me, and that you guys did too.” I said. “Was that true? Do you love me?”

He stuttered, and it looked like he was never going to be able to finish what he was trying to say. Eventually, he was able to get out a couple words, but I waited for him to be able to finish the whole thing.

“I-I-I...” He stuttered. He took a deep breath.

“Yes.” He said. “I guess I do. So does Cecil, and so did Max.”

I nodded and brought him towards me. I wrapped him up in a giant hug. “Good,” I said. “Because I love all of you as well.”

He held on to me, and I held on to him. We stayed like that for awhile, but eventually Grey had to leave. He got up, and I got up with him. He turned to leave, but before he did, I gave him a peck on the cheek. His face turned red, but he didn’t run like last time. He returned the peck to me, and gave me a big smile. I smiled back and reminded him that he had to get back to his room. He left quickly, and I stifled my laughter with my hand.

When he faded from view, I closed my door and plopped back onto my bed.  Tanya yelled upstairs that she was going back home, and I fell into my thoughts. So it was true... I thought. They all loved me... I sat up in my bed. But if Cecil loves me, what about Natasha? I decided to rest, and think about it later.

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