Chapter 42

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Cecil and Natasha cried out in delight.

“Really?” Natasha squealed. “When do we get to meet him?”

I smiled and sat down. “You aren’t going to meet him.” I said bluntly.

They all looked at me as if I was crazy. I had never been so rude before. They shot looks at each other as if trying to find something out.

“You aren’t meeting him...” I continued. “...because you already know him!”

That really did it. Cecil looked at Natasha, who looked at Phil. They were probably wondering how they knew him. Grey remained behind me, stroking my hair. I waited for them to quiet down before I started speaking again.

“I was just proposed to.” I said. “I- ”

“How did he propose?” Natasha asked, almost drooling.

I sat back farther in the chair and looked her in the eyes. “Well,” I said. “We were standing outside this very house. He said he needed to tell me something. He was blushing like crazy, and shaking.”

At this point Grey gave me a glare. I tried to contain my laughter. “ He took a ring from behind his back and asked me to marry him. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. I said yes, and we walked inside.”

Everyone looked around, and I started to feel like I was in the presence of idiots. They just didn’t get it. I sighed, and took a deep breath. If I had to spell it out for them, I would.

Grey stepped in. “Guys...” He said, getting their attention. “He’s right here.”

When they still didn’t seem to understand, Grey gave up. I stood up and stretched. I knew at that moment that I needed to be straightforward.

“Guys!” I said, reaching my breaking point. “I’m marrying Grey!”

They went quiet. We stood there, staring at each other. The silence broke when Phil gave Grey a clap on the back.

“Way to go, dude!” He yelled, giving Grey a flashy smile.

It started a party. Cecil and Natasha yelled congratulations and Phil got some food ready. We had a giant dinner, and Natasha asked to see my ring. I showed her, and she squealed again.

“I’m so jealous!” She cried. “I want a ring like that!”

We laughed and chatted the night away, asking and answering questions. At the end of it, I was completely worn out. I barely had the energy to go to my room. I plopped down on my bed when I got there. It was an exciting day. First I met my parents, then found my (ex) fiancée, and ended up getting engaged to Grey.

I heard a knock on my door, and yelled for whoever it was to come in. Natasha opened the door and walked in excitedly.

“Grace!” She cried. “Cecil asked me on a date!”

I smiled. Natasha was having some luck too. Today was a great day for everyone. I actually wondered about where Tanya was. I guess it didn’t matter at the moment. I closed my eyes, and Natasha left me alone. Tomorrow would hopefully be as great a day.

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