Chapter 23

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Max ended up joining me in training, so we trained our powers together. It astounded both of us (after attempting several times to shoot light) to see that the light shooting out of Max’s palm was a lot darker compared to my white light. Maybe it wasn’t even light, but darkness. For the next couple months, we worked hard…Too hard. We worked so hard that we collapsed from exhaustion at the end. I found myself with Grey more than anything else.

I was currently lying in my bed, with Grey hovering over me.

“You have to be more careful!” Grey exclaimed, concerned for my health. “You’re running yourself ragged. Are you even eating?!” I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

“Don’t worry…” I whispered. “I’ll be fine. What about you? You should worry about your own health. You spend so much time here…Are you even eating?”

He shrugged. “I’m a doctor Grace.” He said. “Patients come first, and since you’re my friend it puts you at an even higher place than that!”

I sat up and pressed my finger against his lips, silencing him.

“Enough about me.” I said. “Go and rest. You’ve spent too much time here.” He nodded reluctantly, but before he turned to go, he seemed to be having an internal struggle.

I tuned into his thoughts. How should I say goodbye?I the thought said. A hug, kiss, kiss on the cheek? I stopped listening to his thoughts, and before he could turn away, I pulled him toward me. I pressed my lips onto his gently, and let go of his hand. He blushed like mad, and quickly left the room.

Only moments later did I realize the mistake I had made. I had been rash in doing that. I sighed and rested my head on my pillow. A little rest would do me good…I woke up the next morning, feeling refreshed. I wandered downstairs to the kitchen. I sat down at the table, and started on my food. A moment later, Grey sat down across from me. I lifted my gaze and our eyes met. To my dismay and horror, he averted his gaze immediately, looking to the side. The rest of breakfast was slow and painful. As soon as he was finished, Grey left in a hurry.

I got up and followed him. Damn, I went too far! I thought. I stopped outside of his room and took a deep breath.

“Grey?” I called. There was no answer. I sighed and opened the door. Grey was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. His eyes were brimming with tears, which he wiped away furiously when he discovered I was in the room.

“Grace…” he whined. “What are you doing here?” I sat down beside him on the bed, and grabbed his hand.

“Grey” I said. “Talk to me!” He looked at me and shook his head.

“You’ll think it’s stupid…” He said.

“Grey…” I whispered. “Friends don’t think friends’ problems are stupid.” He took a deep breath.

“Grace…” He started, leaning on me. “It’s nothing. I overreacted. I was surprised when you…”

“When I kissed you.” I filled in.

“Yeah.” He continued. “When you…kissed…me.”

I hugged him tightly. “Oh, Grey.” I said. “It was my fault. I acted rashly.”

He smiled. “Let’s just agree that we’re both equally at fault.” I smiled and nodded. We continued to sit there, on his bed, for hours more. We sat there talking, and laughing as we felt comfortable again. I was just happy to have my friend back.

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