Chapter 26

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We walked for maybe half an hour before we reached an abandoned house. As we turned the corner of the house, I told Cecil and Grey to stay silent. The yard here was huge, and if the doctor was hiding, we would have trouble finding him. To my relief and dismay, the doctor was standing in the middle of the yard, in clear view.

“Why hello, Grace,” He said. “Would you like to see your friend?” I nearly fainted when he stepped aside. An angel stepped forward.

He resembled Max, but his hair and eyes were black, to match his wings.

“Max!” I cried, stepping forward. He acted as though he hadn’t heard my cry at all. From the corner of my eye, I could see the doctor laugh.

“Oh poor, naïve Grace!” He said. “He appears not to hear you. It isn’t because he can’t, let me assure you. I am in control here. He is helpless-” All of a sudden, Max’s hand came out, and his long nails raked at my flesh.

I drew back in horror, and both Cecil and Grey were stunned.

“Oh, yes Grace.” The doctor said. “It’s really happening. You’ll be killed by your dear friend Max!”

Max lunged again with another sweeping hand, catching me on the side this time. I stumbled backwards, trying to avoid the inevitable fight with Max as long as possible. When Max showed no sign of slowing, Cecil took out his gun and aimed it at his chest. He quickly pulled the trigger, sending the bullet right through Max’s heart, but doing nothing to stop the approaching angel.

Max grabbed Cecil and went to plunge his nails into the rich boy’s neck. Without a moment’s hesitation, I jumped on Max’s back, covering his eyes. He shrieked and let go of Cecil. Clawing at me, his nails ripped through my flesh, but I held on as tight as I could. Eventually, he threw me from his back. I landed on Grey, with Max fast approaching. I darted to the side, drawing the angel away from Grey. Max stopped where he was, confusing me. All of my confusion disappeared when he directed a beam of darkness at me.

I ducked to the side, just as the beam flew past. I wasn’t quick enough, and the beam hit my leg, causing me to trip and fall. Soon, Max was upon me. I lifted my hand in front of me in some sad attempt to defend myself. Max stopped, and I looked up from under my hand. He seemed hesitant. I moved my hand. He seemed to be struggling, and he whispered something I couldn’t catch.

“Pardon?” I asked. He looked me in the eyes.

“H-he’s…Controlling…me…” He started, struggling to keep control. “I…Don’t want to…hurt you…I...I…Love you…We all do. Even them.” He pointed a finger towards Cecil and Grey. “I have…some important...Information…The only way to….kill an angel…is t-to fire a beam into t-their…heart.” He leaned down and kissed me softly.

“G-goodbye…” He said, turning to face the doctor. He threw the doctor a steely glance.

“G-goodbye to…you too.” He managed to get out. He pressed his palm against the left side of his chest, where his heart was. After he threw a sad glance in my direction, I realized his intent.“Max, no!” I cried. I tried to move, but Cecil and Grey held me back.

I watched in horror as a black beam flew from his hand into his chest. He squirmed, but he threw a loving and assuring gaze in my direction. He managed to utter a small curse at the doctor before dropping to the ground, dead. I broke away from Cecil and Grey, and ran to my fallen friend. I felt angry tears forming in my eyes. Rage was flowing through every part of my body. Okay doctor… I thought angrily. Let’s fight until one of us dies…I hope you realize now that it’s on!

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