Chapter 19

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I nearly fainted. Fiancée? She smiled and left for one of the rooms upstairs, and I excused myself to my own room. There, I sat, and thought about Tanya. Cecil has a fiancée… I thought. She’s pretty…And it seems they get along well…ugh! I sat up. Why was I so annoyed? It wasn’t like she was a whore, or a bitch. She seemed nice…I sighed again. I ranted in my mind for about an hour, until I heard quiet voices in the next room. I got out of bed and shifted quietly so that my ear was against the wall. It was much clearer now.

“Come on!” A female voice said. “Just one kiss!”

“No!” A male voice said, sounding frustrated. “I don’t like you like that, and besides, you’re engaged!” I gasped quietly to myself.

The voices in the next room belonged to Grey and Tanya. I felt weak. I got up and walked to the door of the next room, holding towels (I needed an excuse to open the door), and opened the door. Tanya had her bright pink lips pressed against Grey’s. Grey pulled back.

“G-grace!” he cried out. “It’s not what you think!” I frowned, and grabbed his arm, dragging him outside of the room.

He protested, and I let go of his arm.

“I-it’s not my fault!” he stammered. I held up a hand to quiet him.

“I know.” I said. He hugged me tightly, and I smiled softly.

I went back to my room, and troubled thoughts flew around in my mind as I lay in my bed. Oh no… I thought. What about Cecil? Should I tell him about Tanya…Or… I groaned. Maybe once I slept, things would be clearer. I sat there, thinking of my life at Cecil’s house, and all the friends I had. Max is also pretty hot...Cecil’s fiancée kisses other boys…and poor Grey is caught in the middle… I thought; the last thoughts before I drifted off to sleep.

I woke, and the first thing that popped into my head was the question of if I should tell Cecil or not. I got up, showered, dressed, brushed my hair, and then went down to the kitchen. I made myself some food, and while I ate, I tried to decide if I should tell Cecil. My thoughts were interrupted when a hand rested on my shoulder. I turned my head to find Cecil. He was smoking a cigarette, and looked somewhat distant. Now is my chance to tell him I thought.

“Hey, Cecil…” I started. He put a finger over my lips to silence me.

“I know.” He said quietly. “You don’t have to tell me.”

I nodded and sighed inwardly. He put his arm around my shoulders.

“Hey,” he said. “Don’t worry about it! I don’t mind.”

I smiled slightly, and he sent me on my way. At least he knows… I thought, still feeling miserable.

“Hey, Grace!” a voice called from behind me. I turned my head and Max grabbed me from behind. “Graaace...” he whined, extending the name.

“Yes?” I asked. “He smiled.

“I need help with my hair!” He said. “It’s all tangled, and I can’t brush it. Will you help?” I giggled, although I tried not to. Taking his arm, I smiled.

“Sure!” I said. “Let’s go!”

We went upstairs to my room and he sat down on my bed. I took the brush from his hands and sat down behind him. I looked at his hair. I tried putting the brush through the tangled mess, but it got stuck. I pulled it out gently and laughed. For the next couple hours, I brushed, combed, untangled, and styled his hair. Eventually, after a while of pain and suffering, it was completely untangled, and looked good.

“Yes!” We both cried triumphantly, over our small victory.

“Thanks!” he said, and kissed my cheek. He left the room, and I continued to sit on my bed, and look out of the window.

I raised my hand to the spot on my cheek Max had kissed. I smiled, but as I looked at the foreboding sight of storm clouds crowding the air, the thought that filled my head was The doctor isn’t dead…And he’s too strong… How would I become strong enough to defeat him? There were some questions that only time could answer.

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