Chapter 22

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A loud knock on my door brought me out of my sleep.

“Grace!” I heard Max call from the other side of the door. “Grace, I’m coming in!” The door flew open with some sort of gracefulness, and Max jumped onto the bed, beside me.

“Grace!” He whispered, both excited and confused. “There’s something on my back!” He turned around so that I was looking at his back. I ran my hands over two, black, feathery bumps on his back.

“Oh Max,” I said, shaking my head. “You have some wings growing!” He turned back around, and I noticed that his eyes were changing as well.

The black of his pupil was blending with the green of his eyes, creating almost pure green eyes. He looks pretty hot as an angel I thought. I dismissed the thought quickly, remembering that Max could read minds.

“Oh man,” He said, getting excited. “I wonder if I could shoot light out of my palms, like you did!” He looked at his palms with disappointment. I shrugged, and threw the blankets off my legs.

“I don’t even know how I did that!” I said. We sat there for a moment, and I noticed a swirling, black design on his shoulder.

“What’s this?” I asked as I traced my finger along the twisting design. He shrugged and sat back slightly.

“I don’t remember.” He said. “I can’t remember much before I woke up from the experiment. I pulled down my top, to reveal an identical tattoo. What could this mean, Max? I thought.

“I dunno…” Max replied. He left, although not before giving me a light kiss on the cheek. I sighed and decided to wander around. After a couple days of being forced to spend my time with Tanya, one encounter with her changed my life completely.

“Hey, Grace!” She called, waving. “Come over here!” I hid my grimace, and went over to her room.

“Grace,” she said. “You’ve been such a nice friend; I figured I should tell you a bit about myself.”

She went into detail about her life as a child, her childhood friendship with Cecil, and about how her mother made her move. It wasn’t until the last part that I actually started to think something was wrong.

“So then, I was offered a job by this doctor guy…” She said. “He said that I would be experimented on. I said yes at first…but I decided against it later.” I put my head in my hands.

Is all of this true? I thought. But her name… As if on cue, she looked at me.

“The real embarrassment though…” she whispered to me. “Is my real name. My real name…is actually Vaughn!”

I nearly fainted. I made up some sort of excuse, and left the room. Entering my room, I slumped against the door. So those memories weren’t mine? I thought, feeling some sort of emptiness. I guess I must have some sub-conscious ability to read minds, and it must have picked up those memories. I felt lost. Who am I ! Anger welled up, and tears brimmed my eyes.

I threw my hand out and fired a beam of light at the wall, burning a hole (again). I looked down at my smoking hand. Could I use this ability against the doctor? Maybe…no…Probably! I weighed the decision, and Max’s wings grew in fully. I was surprised to see that his wings were pitch black, compared to my snow white wings. I told him about defeating the doctor with the light, and he agreed. We would start training tomorrow.

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