Chapter 40

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I walked alongside Grey, who looked at the address. I noticed him nod his head as if he was assuring himself of something.

“What is it?” I asked quietly.

He glanced at me from over the paper. “I know where this house is. It isn’t too far from here.” He replied.

I smiled, and we continued to walk in silence. There was no doubt that Grey was having second thoughts, and I was starting to get nervous myself. There were so many questions floating around in my mind. What if they don’t believe me? I thought nervously. Or worse, what if they DO believe me, but don’t like me? It went on like that for quite a bit of walking. Eventually, we stopped in front of a big stone house.

“Here we are...” Grey said, approaching the door.

I followed, intimidated by the giant building. Grey just went calmly to the door and knocked loudly. There was an awkward silence where nothing happened, but soon enough there was the sound of footsteps, and we saw the door open.

“Hello?” A small, old lady said.

Grey gave her a smile and asked to see Mr. or Mrs. White. The lady nodded and disappeared into the house. Moments later a man and woman came to the door. I was still hiding behind Grey.

“Yes?” The woman said. “What do you want?”

Grey cleared his throat. “I’m here to talk to you about your daughter.” He said, cutting straight to the point.

The woman looked at her husband and looked back. “What about her?” She asked.

He smiled and stood up straight. “I know where she is Mrs. White.” He said, full of confidence.

She smiled and told him to bring her forward. I stepped out from behind him, and I watched as the expression on her face changed from delight to confusion. I knew somewhere that it would happen. My mother shook her head.

“That doesn’t look like my Gracie...” She mumbled.

My dad looked at me and whispered something to my mom. She looked at me again and the smile came back to her face.

“I’m sorry.” She said. “I didn’t recognize her at first. Do come in!”

We walked into the house, and took off our shoes. My mom led us to the living room and we sat down on the sofa. She moved stuff off the coffee table and turned to face me.

“My dear...”She said, barely above a whisper. “We thought you were dead, or kidnapped, or...or...”

I silenced her. “I was kidnapped mom.” I said. “I wasn’t killed though.”

We sat there, talking for awhile, until Grey cut into the conversation. “Excuse me, Mrs. White.” He said. “But do you know where Grace’s fiancée is?”

I nearly fell off the couch in shock. I had never imagined that Grey would ask that. What is he doing? I thought.

My mom looked up and gave an address. Grey said we had to get going, and we set out for Lee’s house. When we were out of the house, I turned to face him. I went to say something but he held up a hand to silence me. I looked into his eyes, which were now glistening. I noticed his trembling lip, and decided to stay quiet. We walked to Lee’s house in complete silence.

Grey went up the steps and rang the doorbell. This time, I stood beside him. We waited a couple minutes before the door opened, but when it did, sure enough, there was the boy from the vision I had.

“What do you need?” He said rudely.

Grey glared at him. “Excuse me Mr. Lee James.” He retaliated. “I’m here to talk about Grace White.”

Lee’s expression changed as Grey introduced me and showed him my ring, etc. The boy looked down and it looked like he was laughing. I was right.

“Is this a fucking joke?” He yelled. “My Grace was way prettier, and I know for a fact that she had black hair and green eyes. Get off my property before I hurt you!”

I turned to leave, but Grey grabbed my arm. “Stay.” He said.

I looked up at him. “Grey...” I started.

“We’re going to make him believe.” He said. “It’s the least I can do for someone I love.”

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