Chapter 27

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Feeling the rage seep through my body, I handed Max to Grey, who took him somewhere out of the battle. As soon as they were out of range, I lunged at the doctor. My nails barely touched him as he shuffled to the side.

“Nice try!” He taunted.

I looked into his eyes. I looked into the eyes of the man I hated more than anyone else in the world. I saw no remorse, no disgust, nothing but empty darkness. My rage ignited furiously. He feels nothing for us! I thought. It makes me so ANGRY!

I saw the doctor stumble backwards. It was as if the sheer force of my thoughts had impacted him. Through my pain, I felt myself smile at the doctor’s pain. I ran at him again, this time with some accuracy. My nails raked him across the chest, ripping open his shirt. Fresh blood soaked through, creating red blotches on his white shirt. He snarled and ran forward. I jumped to the side, and threw my hand out. My nails caught nothing, but the doctor caught me. His hand smacked against the back of my neck.

I snapped my head forward and kicked my leg out behind me, hitting the doctor in the stomach. He doubled over, and I smiled. I ran to the other end of the yard, and waited. For what, I wasn’t sure. Soon, the doctor rushed into sight, and stopped in front of me.

“Got you!” He hissed.

He drew out a dagger, and ran at me. Having nowhere to run, I drew my wings out as a shield. The dagger cut the wings harmlessly. The failure enraged the doctor. He stepped back and drew out a whistle. He blew into it, and another angel appeared.

She ran at me, screaming. Being too eager, she left a wide opening. I pressed my hand to her heart and fired. The bright beam fired through her and she fell. I was disgusted with myself. I had killed someone. I shook of my feelings, remembering that I was in battle. I looked to where the boys were standing. Grey was sitting with Max’s body. I felt the rage surge to the top of my emotions. In a flash, I grabbed the doctor and pressed him against a tree trunk. He tried to move, but my nails cut into his flesh.

He shot a smug smile at me, and I lost it. I brought my nails up to his face, scratching the skin clean off. His face was soon a bloody pulp. I threw him against another tree behind me. He fell to the ground. I had scratched his eyes, and he couldn’t see. I rooted myself to the ground and threw my palm in front of me. Pictures of Max flew through my head, and memories flooded my brain. I trembled. Max saved my life… I thought. I couldn’t save his though! I shrieked and both Cecil and Grey covered their ears.

A powerful blast of white light escaped my palm, and I held my ground. The force of it nearly made me collapse. The beam cut straight through the tree…and the doctor. He looked down at the gaping hole in his body, and fell roughly to the ground. Breathing heavily, I walked slowly up to the body. Even though I knew he couldn’t possibly have survived, I wanted to be sure. I turned the body over, and pressed my hand against it. I sent another beam flying through his body. After I was sure he was dead, I stood up.

“Looks like I won.” I whispered quietly.

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