Chapter 16

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I looked around at the sleeping bodies, including Grey and Cecil, and sighed silently to myself. Am I the only one awake? I thought as I fiddled around with the tips of my wings. I only stopped when a loud, muffled breathing caught my attention. I got up from where I was sitting, and shuffled to the direction it was coming from. It led me out of my cell and into the hall. I felt my heartbeat pounding as I walked to the next cell, and knowing that I wasn’t being cautious made me no less frightened as I walked toward the noise.

It brought me to the next cell’s door, and I listened as the breathing grew louder. I held in my breath, so as not to be heard by what or whoever was in there. I nearly had a heart attack when the silence was broken by muffled speech.

“Oov ee...” It said. “Ooh are oo?” Judging by the voice, I could tell that he was male, and strangely, I could understand what he was saying. Excuse me...Who are you? I took a quick intake of breath and spoke quietly.

“My name is Grace. Who are you?”

The shadow stepped into the dim light from the window, and as he did, I could feel my legs shaking. What kind of monster awaited me? I was relieved when I only saw a man in a red parka. The parka was muffling his speech...that explained a lot.

“Muh nay is Ecpayrent tree oo fur.” My name is experiment three two four. I nodded.

“Well experiment two three four,” I said. “Would you like to join us in a war against the Doctor?” I saw his head nod slightly, and grinned.

“Good.” I said. “Now we need something to call you...Any ideas?” He paused and thought for a second.

“” he said.

“Axe?” I questioned. He shook his head.

“...AX...” he said.

“Oh...” I said. “Max..?” He nodded, and I swear I saw a hint of a smile.

“Nice choice!” I said. I took his gloved hand and led him out of his cell, and to the cell we were camping out at. Everyone was still asleep and safe as far as I could tell. I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that everyone was okay. I signalled for Max to sit down beside me, which he did. We sat like that for awhile, me leaning against his warm parka, him talking about life in his cell, and what he could and couldn’t remember.

We managed to stay awake until morning. Everyone started to wake up and stretch. Knowing the challenge that lay ahead was so close I could taste it, Grey and I gathered everyone, while Max stood firmly behind me. We were soon ready and out the door. Seconds seemed like minutes, minutes like hours, and I knew I probably wasn’t the only one who felt so excited they were nauseous.

We reached the door, and as I stretched my hand toward the doorknob, I could feel my hand shake so bad that I couldn’t grip it properly. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, as a mutant girl opened the door for me. No sooner than she had opened it, was there a knife implanted in her head, making her collapse to the ground. I looked up to see the Doctor, with his long shaggy hair, smirking.

“Welcome” he said. “To the war.”

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