Chapter 43

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I woke up, and stretched. The sun was shining through the window, and right in my face. I moved out of my bed and landed on the floor.

“Ow!” I said, getting up. “I’ve got to pay more attention.”

I got dressed and went to the kitchen. Phil was standing there, like usual.

“Hey, Babe.” He said. “What’ll you have today?”

“Just cereal, Phil.” I said, throwing him a smile.

He threw one back, and I concentrated on planning. I wanted to go dress shopping, and go find a cake, and think of what to do with my hair. I wanted to do all that bridal stuff. I started making pictures in my head of what I wanted. I knew it wouldn’t be a big wedding, I mean, I didn’t have uncountable friends. Phil brought me my cereal, and I thanked him.

“What’cha thinkin’ about, babe?” He asked. “Anything I can help with?”

I smiled at him. “I was just thinking about my dress, that stuff.” I said.

He grabbed my hand. “Well, I can recommend some places.” He said. “I’ve worked at many different wedding boutiques and stuff.”

I was glad to hear that. We spent hours talking about different places I could go to for dresses or cakes. After a while, he told me he’d set me up an appointment. I went upstairs to see Grey. I knocked on the door to his room. When there was no answer, I opened the door and walked in. It was dark, since the light was off, and I couldn’t see anything. I was aware, however, of a deep breathing.

I flicked the light on, and cried out in horror. Grey was sitting down on the floor, surrounded by a pool of blood. I ran over to his side. He was still bleeding, heavily.

“Oh my god!” I cried. “What do I do? How do I stop it? Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!”

He looked up weakly. “Hey Grace,” He said. “Don’t worry about me, babe. I’ll be fine.”

“I beg to differ.” I said. “You’re bleeding a pool of blood!”

He laughed softly. “It’s okay.” He said. “Don’t...”

He coughed. Blood came out. I started panicking. What the fuck happened here? I thought frantically.

“Grey!” I yelled. “What happened?!”

There were tears in my eyes. I had lost Max, and I didn’t want to lose Grey. I didn’t want to lose my fiancée. I grabbed his hand, and at the feel of my skin, he shuddered.

“You’re cold, Grace.” He chuckled.

I looked at him disbelievingly. “Stop changing the subject!” I almost screamed. “What happened?”

He squeezed my hand. “It wasn’t anything horrible.” He said. “I just accidentally hurt myself...”

I felt like punching him. He was sitting on the floor, bleeding pools of blood, and didn’t even really acknowledge it. He flashed me a smile, and I felt tears roll down my cheeks.

“Grey...” I said, softer this time. “What did you do?”

He let out a pitiful chuckle, and I held back the tears that were forming again. My eyes were red, and probably puffy. My face was flushed, and I was clutching Grey’s hand so hard, I thought I might have cut off his circulation.

“Grace...” He said. “I just had an accident. That’s it. With my tools.”

I glanced at the table full of doctor’s tools. He had a knife, scalpel, saw...I snapped my attention back to Grey. He was turning pale, and shaking.

“You’re a doctor!” I cried. “Can’t you stop this?”

He shook his head. “I-it’s t-too late for that n-n-n-now.” He stuttered. “Go call C-c-Cecil for me, will ya?”

I shook my head, and sat beside him. He rested his head in my lap, and I held him close to me. My clothes were turning red, and sticking to me, but I didn’t care. I glanced at my ring, shining on my finger. It looked like it had rubies on it now. I looked at Grey. He had almost stopped moving completely. He looked up at me, and I leaned down, kissing him on the lips.

“Goodbye, Grey.” I said, on the verge of tears.

He stopped moving, and I felt the tears flow. They rolled down my cheeks, and I wiped them away. I collapsed on myself, and sat there beside Grey, until someone came to find me.

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