Chapter 24

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Over the next couple of days, nothing eventful happened. Max and I trained, I spent my free time with Grey, and I helped out Cecil when he needed it. It wasn’t until one day when I was talking with Grey, that something out of the ordinary happened. I was sitting on the floor of Grey’s room. I had no work or training, so I had come up to talk. I was in the middle of speaking when a splitting headache took over and made me collapse.

“Grace!” Grey cried.

Although he cried out, I could not hear him. I was absorbed in what was happening. It was like I was inside my own head. All I could hear was an evil, scratchy thought. It’s time… The voice said. The transformation is almost complete! It is time for me to unleash my power to the world! I shall have to call him back to me… The voice faded away, and I came back to my senses…back to reality.

“Grace!” Grey cried again. I looked up, slightly dazed. I couldn’t move yet.

When I didn’t move, Grey picked me up and put me on his bed.

“Grace…” He whispered. “What is it?” I blinked a couple of times, and turned my head to look at him.

“I have to go.” I said bluntly, although barely above a whisper. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

“What are you talking about?” He said.

I drew in a deep breath. “I can’t wait any longer…” I said. “The doctor isn’t waiting anymore. Whatever he was waiting for has come, and he’s going to unleash his power!”

I threw myself off of the bed and went for the door.

“Wait!” Grey cried, grabbing my arm. “Let me come…and Cecil…”

I shook my head. “We both know how dangerous this is!” I argued. “You could get killed!” He just smiled.

“I know that.” He whispered. “And so does Cecil. We’re coming!” I knew it was useless to argue, so I just brought him down with me. We had to get Max and the other mutants! I burst open the basement door, only to be greeted by an eerie silence.

“Hello?” I called down the stairs. When no one answered, I went down myself.

The lights were off, making it incredibly dark. I was shaking, and couldn’t get the switch. Grey reached up and flicked it on. The horror that awaited us was gruesome. There were slaughtered bodies on the floor, blood and guts were lining the walls, and Max was nowhere to be found.

“M-max?” I called, my voice shaking. Grey took my hand and squeezed it again. I knew he was feeling the same as I was.

I turned into the other rooms and Grey searched some more. I opened the door to Max’s room, and screamed. Grey quickly ran to my side. The room was empty. There were no bodies, no blood, but there was one thing. On the wall facing us, there was a message written in what I could only assume was the blood of the victims. Grey was as still as I was. My scream was not a scream of horror, but a scream of anger, as Grey realized after reading the message.

Dearest Grace, The message said.

I am sure that you are all happy and carefree right now. I just stopped by to take your friend…Max, was it? Anyways, I have taken him back to the lab. He is to aid me in my quest, and be sure that you will be facing him out on the battlefield. He works for me now.

From you dearest friend,

The doctor.

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