Chapter 6

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Cecil smoked his cigarette as we sat on the porch swing. Every once in a while he would blow out the smoke, and it would find its way to my face. I coughed, and Cecil looked at me funny.

“Something wrong?” he asked. I glared at him.

“I would be fine if you would keep that fucking cigarette away from me!” I said, coughing more.

It felt like my lungs were filling with smoke. I doubled over and continued to cough. I suddenly felt like this wasn’t just a simple matter of smoke in my lungs. I could barely breathe, and I struggled for air. Cecil was laughing, as if this were some kind of joke. I felt my eyes well up with tears. I wiped them away, but more quickly came. I tried to speak, but ended up in a fit of coughing.

I covered my mouth, and looked in horror as my hands turned red. I was coughing up blood. Suddenly Cecil stopped laughing.

“Grace!” he cried. “Are you okay?”

I wanted to yell at him. Do I look okay?! I thought. I couldn’t even nod. My hands started to shake violently, and I lifted my head slightly. Cecil stood up, and in a matter of moment, I felt as if I were being lifted. I closed my eyes for a moment.

“Grace!” Cecil yelled. I opened my eyes quickly.

“Don’t close your eyes Grace” he said. “If you do that, you could let yourself die. If you keep your eyes open, I can see how you're doing.”

I nodded weakly, if at all, and let him take me to wherever he was going. From my view, I could tell that he went inside, and we had gone into a room I had never been in. I was put onto a bed, and Cecil took out a phone. He quickly called someone and hung up.

“That was my friend Grey” he said. “He’s good with medicine. No offense Grace, but I can’t let a regular doctor see you.”

I understood perfectly. If a different doctor were to see me, there would be some issues with my body. It isn’t every day a doctor sees an angel girl. As we waited, my blood seemed to be made of ice. I shivered as every gust of wind came over me. Soon, I felt the complete opposite. I was burning, and longed for some snow, or maybe an ice pack. I was just uncomfortable. I heard the door open, and directed my gaze in that direction. In the doorway stood a tall boy, with wispy blonde hair and childish brown eyes. He took a look at me.

“This the girl, Cecil?” he asked.

Cecil nodded. The boy came over.

“Hey there” he said. “Name’s Grey. I’m gonna be takin’ a look at ya, alright?” I barely managed a nod, and felt a rush of dizziness.

Grey frowned as Cecil told him what had happened.

“I thought she was being overdramatic to get me to stop smoking” Cecil said. “But when I saw the blood, I panicked and called you.”

Grey smiled. “Typical you right?” Cecil nodded.

Grey laughed. “Well there” he said. “I think I’m gonna have her ready in ‘bout an hour or so.”

Cecil nodded and left the room. I was left in the hopefully capable hands of Grey.

“Well now,” he said. “I hate to do this t’ ya without much warnin’ but I gotta put ya to sleep.” I smiled as he stuck a needle into my arm.

I felt another sense of dizziness pass over, but not like the other one. This one felt more serene...more calm. I felt comfortable, and I convinced myself I was in capable hands as I watched Grey’s face fade into darkness.

“Kay then,” he said. “Time to get to work I guess?”

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