Chapter 13

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We stood, staring at each other for a minute.

“Grey...” I said, almost whispering. He pushed his hair out of his face as he walked towards me.

“Grace...” he said, sounding like a kid just getting out of bed. “What are you doin’?” I sighed as I leaned inside, with my legs out the window.

“Grey...” I said. “You know what I’m doing...come closer though. I don’t want Cecil waking up.” Grey drew close enough so that I could feel his breathing on my neck.

“Grace.” He said. “I understand yer wantin’ to go back, but are ya sure?” I nodded, and he sighed softly. “Very well.” He said. “But I want you to take something with you.” I stared at him as he took some vials out of his pocket. “I knew that you’d want ta go at some point, so I made some medicine for ya.” I took the vials silently, speechless at his kindness.
“Grey.” I whispered. He looked at me as I struggled to speak steadily.

“Please don’t tell Cecil where I’m going. I don’t want him to stop me, or put himself in danger trying.”

Grey nodded and gave me a ‘will do’ smile. He leaned forward and took the vials, slipping them in beside my gun. I smiled and went to thank him for his kindness, but I was cut off by his soft lips touching mine. He drew back and smiled.

“Be safe Grace.” He said softly. “I’ll be waitin’ here with Cecil if ya need me.” He grabbed my hands and held them tightly. His hands were so warm, and I wanted to keep holding them, but I couldn’t. He smiled. “Come back safe, k?”

He slipped his hands away from mine softly. I tried to stop the blush from crawling up my face as I nodded, and slipped myself completely out of the window. I nearly choked on my own tongue as I looked at where I was. I was standing on a narrow ledge above the streets, towering above everything. My foothold was bad, and I wished for a way to fly. I nearly slapped myself. I had Wings for flying...I hoped. I held my breath as I loosened my hold on the foothold. Please let this work...I prayed silently, looking at the stars. And please let me be successful. Not only for me, but for the other experiments. For Cecil. For... I blushed thinking about Grey. I sighed as I looked around. It was now or never. I let out a deep breath and jumped off the ledge.

I could feel the air in my face as I plummeted down to the streets, and I thought about how this would work. I tried to will my wings open, but that did absolutely nothing for me. I suddenly remembered back to when I was trying to hide my wings. I had moved them as if they were a part of my back itself. I relaxed and moved the base of the wings. They spread open, bringing me from a plummet to a slow glide. I could fly. I looked to the streets below, and saw my shadow stretching over the streets.

“That’s right Doctor.” I said. “I’m coming back, and this time, I’m your worst nightmare.”

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