Chapter 2

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My heart was racing. The shock of seeing two, big angel wings on my back almost gave me a heart attack. The doctor seemed to be enjoying the sight of me in shock. I glared at him, and tried to kick violently. He sighed and picked up what looked like a gun from his countertop.

“Settle down, Grace.” He said, warning me. “Don’t make me use this tranquilizer.”

I settled down instantly, although I was still angry. What did he do to me? I wanted to scream, but he still held the gun. I took a couple deep breaths, and looked in the mirror. I was pretty, but I was also very terrifying at first sight. The doctor put the gun down, and cautiously moved towards me.

“Are you okay now?” he asked. “Can I come near you now?”

I nodded reluctantly, and he walked towards me.

“Okay,” he whispered, running his cold, clammy hand through my long, white hair. I shuddered again. He loosened the ties that held my hands and feet down. “I trust you not to run away, Grace.” He said, seriously. I nodded.

“Good.” He said. “But just in case, I’m going to put this on you.” He took out something that resembled a metal bracelet.

He put it on my ankle.

“This device tells me where you are, and alerts me if you take it off. I hope you understand this situation Grace. You are my experiment. You are a mere plaything of mine. You belong to me, and only me, got it?” I felt bile rise in my throat, but forced a nod. He smiled.

“I’ll leave now, okay?” He left the room quickly, but gave me one last steely glare.

I eyed him carefully as he left the room. He closed the door slowly, making barely any noise. Once I made sure he wasn’t coming back, I started to plot my escape. I knew how to leave, but the problem was the bracelet. If I couldn’t get it off my ankle, how would I escape? I exhaled loudly, and got up off the table. The screams of other people in my situation echoed through the hallway, making me cringe.

Some sort of plan formed in my head, and I decided to put it to action. I searched the room for any trace of a pen or paper, but I found none. Instead, I grabbed a sheet off of my bed, and sliced my arm open with one of my nails. Catching the blood that fell with my other nail, I quickly attempted to write on the sheet with my blood. The letters were badly written, but they were legible. I tore the sheet so that only the message was in my hand.

Using all my strength, I tried to open the window. It was heavy, and tightly closed, making it difficult. Once it was open, I checked the room for any sign of the doctor. Making sure he was nowhere in sight, I dropped the sheet down gently, making sure it didn’t rip on my nails. I watched as it floated down to the ground. Once I was sure it was safe, I backed away.

I stepped back from the window, closing it softly. There is nothing more I can do...I thought. Let fate decide what will happen to me. I crawled back to the table, and laid my head down. The surface was rough, and it slightly hurt my body as I tried to lie down. The splintery surface seemed to cut my flesh, but I didn’t care. I closed my eyes slowly, hoping for a better day when I woke up. The sounds of screaming in other rooms, and the damp smell that wafted around seemed to vanish as I drifted off to sleep.

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