Chapter 5

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As I watched the fourteen year old boy drink more than “Just a couple” cups of wine, I listened to his story. He had talked for about an hour already, although I could summarize it by a bit if I wanted to. I rolled my eyes as he stumbled about. A servant appeared and took him to his room upstairs. He offered me a room, but I declined.

I reflected on the story of Cecil’s parents. They had been a rich couple, working hard on their businesses. One day, they were coming home from a trip to some exotic place I hadn’t heard of. On the train they were on, a crazy homicidal guy came on board. Cecil was small enough to hide out, but his parents weren’t able to get out of the man’s reach.

Cecil had to watch as his father was shot in the head, and had to endure an even greater pain watching what was done to his mother. She wasn’t that old, and she was very pretty in the pictures I was shown. Anyway, back to the story. The crazy man took her after killing Cecil’s dad, raped her, and then had killed her, tying her up to the seat.

Cecil managed to escape through an open window (fortunately the train was stopped), and took a different train home. He inherited the fortune, and started a new life over here. I sighed, thinking of what he had to go through. Maybe it was what possessed him to help a freak like me. There was no use in wondering right now.

I yawned and went upstairs. I was shown where Cecil’s room was, and where my own room was. I thanked the servant, who went to his own quarters. I sat on my bed, and tried to sleep. After a couple minutes, I got back up. Seems I can’t fall asleep just yet... I thought. I got out of bed, and went into the hall.

I went to Cecil’s room, which was the only room I remembered. I opened the door quietly, although I knew he wouldn’t wake up anytime soon. With the amount of wine he consumed...he was out cold. I sat beside him on his bed, and viewed his face in the moonlight. I moved the hair out of his face softy, as I thought about his parents.

He was slightly irresponsible, a little crazy, and very young...but on the inside he was still just a fourteen year old boy. I felt slightly drowsy as I ran my fingers through his short, black hair. I was grateful he had rescued me. I should stop questioning his motives... I thought. I should just be grateful for it...I sighed quietly.

I pulled my legs in towards me, and adjusted the blanket so it covered the boy, who was shivering. I smiled to myself. I closed my eyes for a moment, and felt the tranquil moment pass by like it was sacred. When I opened my eyes again, it was light out. I rubbed my eyes.

“What happened?” I mumbled to myself.

I had only closed my eyes for a moment! I couldn’t have fallen asleep! Cecil stirred slightly, and I froze. He stretched his limbs, and sat up, rubbing his eyes. He opened one eye, and after waiting a couple moments, he started to speak.

“Grace...” He said. “How long have you been there?” I smiled.

“I came here last night; to make sure you were okay...” Well, it was half true wasn’t it?

He smiled.

“Then I’ll have the servant bring some cigarettes. We can smoke as we think up something to do...”

I rolled my eyes. Drinking and smoking...what kind of boy was Cecil exactly? I could think up a couple words, but before I could come up with a good one, Cecil dragged me outside.

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