The redhead next to me stopped laughing. In amazement she pulled my hands away to see my face.

"No... Nooooo... With Professor Mew? Holy shit, are you serious?".

I nodded slowly.

"But you wanted to, right?" She spoke seriously. "Because if it's not like that, I swear that..."

"Yeah! You don't have to swear to me that you're going to castrate him, Oli".

"Oh okay. Goodness".

Even though she was my best friend, I felt too self-conscious to suddenly speak out. He hadn't even brought up the subject with Mew yet. This was strange.

However, I told myself again that there was nothing to be ashamed of. All day today I was thinking about what that alpha and I did. I didn't regret it, it was even more difficult for me to accept it.

Looking back and seeing how I was the main instigator of everything that my zeal led us to was...a lot. I couldn't take it in.

Olivia knew me so well that even though she knew I was in heat, no one was going to make me do anything. If things happened it was because I wanted them. Perhaps the pheromones catalyzed the moment, but not even a fucking aphrodisiac would be so strong that I would inadvertently succumb.

With Mew it happened... because I wanted it to happen.

Help!! That was a terrifying thought.

"So... Can I buy the cake now?".

I immediately gave him the middle finger.

"Aw, you've already popped the cherry, Gulfy." He got up to hug me from behind. "It's fantastic, although I still have questions".

"I know..." I sighed.

"Okay, I imagine you know what the first one is".

"Why with Professor Mew?", I deduced. "

"I'm honest... I don't even know. My mind was in a mess and he carried me here. Not knowing what he was doing I kissed him and asked him to stay".

I admitted all my actions ashamed of myself.

"Was it just because of heat?", Olive asked.

"Maybe... God, I have no idea".

"Gulf, but if you were in heat..." Her voice sounded doubtful. You sure not...

"No," I sighed again. "Even if I was in heat, I wouldn't go to just any alpha. I also have no idea where that sudden need arose from. I only know that at some point the pheromones of that alpha made me heat and then I asked for help".

"So now you know".

"I know what?", I asked, inquisitive.

Oli inhaled deeply and turned me on the stool so that I was facing her. I lowered my head and she took my hands.

"That it was Professor Mew's pheromones that caused you those disorders in your heat cycle".

My mouth fell open. "You knew it?". She nodded.

"And why didn't you tell me?", I asked for.


Wednesday morning and I had an insane fear of going to class. After my talk with Oli I felt calmer. She still couldn't come since her mother was still sick, Jack had stayed to take care of her on Monday when she came to visit me.

With the heat over and an extra day off, I forced myself to get out of bed and face whatever was going to happen today.

Professor Mew had texted me on Tuesday, asking if we could meet up to talk. A part of me didn't even want to answer him, but I forced myself to be an adult... halfway. I told him to talk today before swimming class.

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