He of course needed a lead singer anyway.

Next thing you know things happened and she's pregnant, Nonna wasn't shocked because she saw it coming. My Dad's Father on the other hand, had mixed emotions about it. My 'Dad' manned up and took responsibility. Shockingly, it was my Mother who wasn't ready, she still had dreams. As much as my Father denied it, he still had those dreams too.

That night, they set out to leave and left me behind for their hopes and dreams. Apparently, my Mother just left me at the doorstep of Nonna's house. Since they had a tiny apartment a few blocks away and needed somewhere to drop me off. It made me laugh at first but my Father was the one who named me Ace, considering the fact that no matter what he always had the card Ace of Spades on him for good luck I was told.

Finding out about my parents leaving me behind, I didn't know how to feel. It was mind-numbing. Confusion and anger were strongly felt. It was a hell of a lot to take in. Nonna said the only thing she found in my cradle as an infant was the name tag that read Ace.

15 learning about this, they cut all ties with Nonna and I the day they left New York. So many different emotions consumed me later on, mostly pain and feeling lost. Growing up, it was never the fact that they left it had always been when they were coming back. Whenever kids asked me, my response was 'soon'.

Never was I positive, but that little tiny piece of doubt ate away at me leading up to the moment of the truth. That's when you realize life is not some fairy tale, people don't just come back for something or someone they meant to leave behind. Revealing everything must have been hard for Nonna, she didn't sugar code any of it. I can't thank her enough for that. Those made up stories about my parents, were just ways of giving me hope as a child. I couldn't get mad at her for telling me what I wanted to here.

Becoming more mature, not having two people I called 'parents' didn't faze me much. Until a certain person took it upon themselves to taunt me with it every single day. She was trouble from the start. Intriguing and agitating me at the same time.

Before her I wasn't the exciting type, my looks helped in that department. I mean it really wasn't much more to it but attending school and going over my former bestfriend Jared's house. I had my casual flings here and there, no love involved. He was the one who told me about her at first. I didn't really want to get to know the ditz but he kept pushing it.

Jared was the one who would bring her up in our conversations more and more often.

Being the usual clueless me, I didn't know why the hell he was trying to talk her up. First meeting, I thought she was related to Jared. Having the same kind of wavy blonde hair but the comparisons ended there. This girl had something about her I knew from the get.

Her icy blue eyes looked like they were looking straight through me. Almost like reading a book. She had on a white crop top that day, and casual navy blue jeans. Easy to forget something like that, but for me it was always ingrained into my memory. Purple hightops got my attention, I had never seen someone pull them off quite like this girl.

"The name's Rachel Dion, please don't stare at my tits," she said and put her hand up for me to shake it. Laughing silently, I knew she was warning me because my eyes never left hers.

Boldness, confidence and humor—always something I commended.

"Ace Valentino, I've heard plenty about you. And don't worry I don't stare at boobs regularly," I said and gestured toward Jared. Shaking her hand without a second thought.

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