Side Story 2 - Did you go camping without me?

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[Side story] Did you go camping without me?

“So, have you decided on the work?”

"Not yet."

The ceremony hall was already crowded with guests. There was nowhere to sit, so Ian leaned against the wall and shook his head at Kim Minjae's question.

He heard the sound of a picture being taken next to him, but he didn't care much because it was a daily routine.

“I’m thinking about going to an audition.”

"Audition? As long as you're good enough, you can choose appropriately from what comes in. I heard that all the good scripts went to you?”

"Is it? I'm hearing it for the first time.”

Kim Min-jae sighed at the face of Ian, who had never heard of it. Ian was the number one recruit for a famous writer or production company returning after a few years.

“Didn’t you like anything that came in?”

"Actually… .”

He also told Kim Min-jae about the concerns he had told Park Seo-dam. He looked at Ian's face intently and nodded.

“It’s not that I don’t understand, but it’s a happy worry. Still, wouldn’t there have been roles that just stand out?”

“That’s because the work isn’t that appealing… .”

“It’s tricky.”

“Group activities start slowly. If you want to go in once, you have to go in properly.”

Ian shrugged. As the guests settled down and the host was drinking water and clearing his throat, someone stood next to Ian.

“Wow, that was close."

“Minhwan hyung.”

"A long time. Wow, there was a lot of traffic."

Jo Min-hwan, who was out of breath as if he had rushed in, greeted Ian and Kim Min-jae.

The host announced the beginning of the ceremony, and the bride and groom entered. They cheered loudly and clapped their hands.

“Wow, is it really writer-nim?”

“We thought that too.”

Lee Joo-hee, wearing a sparkling dress under the lights, smiled broadly as soon as she saw the groom. Jo Min-hwan, who was observing the wedding hall closely, whispered in Ian's ear.

"You said you are going to sing at the wedding. Have you done this a lot?"

"It's my second time, too. There were a lot of people asking me to do it, but the schedule didn't match.”

"The writer-nim is lucky. A popular idol even sing a wedding song."

Jo Min-hwan licked his lips and observed the dining hall closely. He had been expressing great interest in the wedding ceremony from a while ago, noting that the flowers were pretty or that the venue was spacious.

Wait, is it when Jo Min-hwan and Lim Hye-ji are dating at this time? Ian hit Jo Min-hwan's side with a mischievous face.

“Is there any good news for you?”

"Me? Ayy, if I had good news, I would have come with my partner instead of standing with you.”

Seeing that he answered naturally without changing his facial expression, an actor is an actor after all. Ian stopped talking and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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