253 - Still maybe?

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Still maybe?

Beyond Korea to the world... My Dear and Awy nominated for American Music Awards

AWY departs to attend the American Music Awards... Nominated in 3 categories

“So, do you think we will win any awards?”

“That's too much. How do you beat My Dear?”

"Yes? To be honest, if we had heard of the candidate for My Dear, we would have fallen out.”

Awy and MyDear were nominated in the Favorite Social Artist and Favorite Duo or Group categories.

“Let’s be content that we can go and perform.”

“The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.”

The members are also nominated, and they put the meaning of being able to go and perform on stage, but they don't expect to win an award. It was probably because My Dear, who was nominated for the same nomination, is still strong.

-So, Awy or MyDear?

└ My Dear is a landslide victory

└ But MyDear, will they accept it again this time? Didn't they get 2 in a row before?

└└ You said you've had admiration before, won't you give it this time? It's still popular.

└ No matter who rides, it must be fun hahahaha

-Our kids can do it haha

- It's Awy's first awards ceremony in the U.S. I hope they get an award while they're at it..

It was the same for netizens. Although it is said that My Dear's popularity has faded a little after being discharged, there are many loyal fans waiting for them because they were a group that led the global trend of K-pop.

“Still, maybe?”

“Isn’t kimchi soup (expectations) okay? It doesn't even cost money.”

"That's right. I think we can ride at least one.”

The members were wrapped up in double emotions that they did without expecting it. It was because of the anticipation and excitement of debuting at the first American awards ceremony.

“You guys are all here.”

Two road managers Lim Jin-woo and Park Ji-hwan are heading to America for Awy. And Kim Myung-jin and Park Dong-soo accompany them. There are also a lot of staff who followed, but the number of bodyguards was expected to increase with the addition of local bodyguards.

"Hyung! How are our faces?”

“Why do you ask? It's perfect."

After hearing Park Dong-soo's answer, Awy smiled and got out of the van. They were accustomed to standing in a row and being baptized with flashes.

* * *

Awy, who landed at the American airport, waved leisurely on the outside as they saw the crowds welcoming them, but on the inside they hid their surprise.

“They all came to see us, right?”

"Right. really a lot of fans Did you see them holding a cheering stick?”

“I saw it. Wow, look at my hands shaking. I still can't get used to it."

As soon as they got into the car, they looked at each other and stomped their feet. The local fans who came to see them were as good as the Korean fans who came to see them at Incheon International Airport.

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