278 - American Got Idol. (8)

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American God Idol. (8)

(What, can you call now? Aren't you busy?)

"I am not busy any more. Even the judges' team has been formed."

(Oh, it's already been that long? There's not much time left before we go there.)

The staff were busy moving behind Kim Hyun, who received Ian's video call.

(So, did you collect the ones you like?)

"To what extent? Since Kaiser preoccupied the role first, it must have been a preferential contract and appeared on the show. Aish, Liam, I really wanted to take him."

When Ian let out a hint of regret, Kim Hyun laughed out loud.

(If you twist it, you should have made that clause too.)

"It's not time, time (slang term indicating how long one has worked in some capacity). I'm not the founding contributor to the previous season like him."

(Well, so who did you pick?)

Ian recited the participants who became his team one by one. After Kim Hyun worked as a trainer here for a short time, Ian used to talk to him often.

Not only Ian, but also Kim Hyun was the beneficiary of 'American Got Idol'. First of all, he received attention for being a member of Awy like Ian, and when he gave a lecture on dancing at eye level to suit the level of the participants, the reaction was quite good.

(You picked him? It's surprising...)

"By the way, where are Ju Hyuk hyung and the other kids? Isn't that the broadcasting station there now?"

(Why, can we all get together on the phone? What?)

"Oh, why is that? How am I now? I came all the way to this far away place in the United States and is living as an outsider."

(A foreigner? Are you kidding me? You're originally from there.)

At that time, people came out on both sides and behind Kim Hyun. They were Lee Ju-hyuk, Park Seo-dam, and Kim Ju-yeong.


(I was listening to everything.)

(It's been a while, Ian. Did you know that we are also watching the live broadcast?)

(Does hyung miss us that much? Find us?)

Lee Ju-hyuk, Kim Ju-yeong and Park Seo-dam answered in turn.

"No it's not."

Ian frowned.

"By the way, congratulations on winning first place. Will you receive an award today?"

(What, why are you congratulating me?)

Ju Hyuk laughed shyly.

"Still, it's going to feel different when you get it all together and as a unit."

Park Jin-hyuk's solo sound source, which he worked with Bluemic, took first place on the music site. And it was AWY's unit 'AWY:4' that took first place after that.

(But it felt a bit empty that three people were missing from the stage.)

(That's right. Hyung, when are you coming? Do you know that the juniors here are looking for you?)

(Is it time for us to go there to perform and do some sightseeing?)

(I bet it won't work? We have to prepare for the album soon. Ian, don't you have anything in mind?)

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