235 - Breathing is also a content.

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Breathing is also a content..

(Ian-ah, are you really possessed?)

"You made a lot of profit, right?"

As soon as he answered the phone, Ian smiled, even though he heard a random noise.

The seeds that were sown through investment expert Jeong Ryu-won gradually matured and left a satisfactory return.


Jeong Ryu-won was still staring at the monitor in disbelief. He made a small investment following Ian just in case, and it turned out to be a hit.

[You did, you did.]

However, he was hesitant to answer because the fact that he was an investment expert by name and invested after listening to someone said his qualifications would be questionable.

"So, have you considered the proposal?"

Ian also changed the topic because he knew that feeling.

Since Ian's face was already well known, he needed an agent who would shine on behalf of Ian, not just a simple investment agent.

"How is it?"

At Ian's urging, Jeong Ryu-won grunted. He seemed to have been thinking a lot all night.

(Before I answer... let me ask you one thing.)


(So, what's your goal?)

In fact, Jung Ryu-won found Ian's proposal very attractive .

Ian had a charm that somehow attracted people. He was also the grandson of a sponsor who reached out to him in difficult times, and above all, it was strange that the situation turned in favor of Ian as if he is lucky itself.

'It's a later goal... .'

Ian let out a small sigh. First of all, reporter Yang In-joon of Fact Fix is annoying, but... .

He is a famous idol Awy who are expanding beyond Korea to the world, and Ian is also a celebrity, although he is also strengthening his position.

'Celebrity issues are perfect for covering up this and that incident.'

It's a public figure, but it doesn't distort even if it explodes, and it spreads the fastest.

It is easy for a celebrity who leads a good life to fall into abyss. They could easily fall for someone's temptation, and their broadcasting activities could easily be suspended due to someone's press play.

'The more famous it is, the more.'

All of a sudden, there are rumors of a top star dating for several years, rumors of a famous celebrity having an affair, and articles about someone who used drugs a few years ago. Did this just come out?

Galaxy Boys exploded, and I heard someone covered it up.?

There is a fact that has been uncovered, but the media is still silent.

Shh. You know, things like this are not common. They say something for no reason and then they go hooked too.

Having gone through the days of Kim Yong-min, he was aware of various stories that flowed from the industry. And there were often times when the tabloid turned out to be true.

'It's not something that will happen just by focusing on investment and having a lot of money.'

Ian did not want to leave behind regrets in his life, about his members and his group.

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