264 - What kind of situation is this?

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What kind of situation is this?

[Exclusive] Mykit Seon, found dead at home... extreme choice estimation

[Breaking News] Mykit Seon is being transferred to K University Hospital... Current unconscious state (2 steps)

-Oh, my.

-What does this mean?

-What is it?

-It's not, is it?

"Ah Ah!"

Kim Myung-jin, who caught Ian who lost his balance, looked at his face. He knew that Mykit and Awy had a special relationship.

Awy met them from time to time and he even talked to them a few times while driving them to the meeting place.

"Are you okay? Ian-ah, look at hyung."

Covering his face with one hand, Ian gasped for breath. His heart thumped like lightning had struck it.


There was no way that Ian, who had been through the future, would not know this. He was aware of the suicide case of an active idol member. but... .

'How did I just remember this now?'

Needless to say, it came to mind right now. As if only those memories were cut out.

"I talked about it. You can go right away."

"Okay. First, me and Ian will go to the airport quickly."

The agency's staff explained the reason to the show's organizers and asked for understanding. There were quite a few staff members who followed Ian, so the only ones who rushed to Korea were Ian, Kim Myung-jin, and two bodyguards.

Kim Myung-jin grabbed Ian's arm and led him, who was still in a state of panic. People nearby murmured, and those who later figured out the reason after watching the news covered their mouths with their hands.

Mykit Seon died... ST Entertainment "Confirming"

K University Hospital side "Seon, performing CPR in the emergency room... It is difficult to confirm death."

The fire department said, "My kit Seon, it is true that he was in cardiac arrest at the time of discovery. Currently in emergency... Please refrain from articles that create anxiety."

-who was it who told you to report wrong information


-Nothing has come out yet. Oh please;

- Oh please, no

- Breaking news in the news.

While Ian hurriedly boarded a plane and returned home, the news of Park Se-on was still unclear, so rather conflicting articles such as 'He died' and 'No, he is in a critical situation, but he is still alive' were posted every 5 minutes. .

-Did you see the video that just came out of Luna Dream?

I can't help but think about how Ian was about to collapse ㅠㅠ

└ Heol ㅠㅠ

└ I can't watch the video.

└ Do you want to consume other people's misfortune? Delete the post

└I heard his life is in danger right now. Do you want to bring something like this?

-I saw it on the web. They said Ian is on a plane. He must be on his way right now.

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